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Band Aid Brow Lift

Brow Lift Surgery

Performed in Atlanta, GA by Dr. John L. LeRoy.

Dr. LeRoy’s “Band Aid Brow Lift”

atlanta brow lift

Similar to Dr. LeRoy’s popular and original Band Aid Facelift is the Band Aid Brow Lift. A less invasive alternative to a traditional browlift (also known as forehead lift), the Band Aid Brow Lift works to lift excess sagging or drooping skin around your eyes and give your eyebrow a more youthful, attractive, and arched shape.

Like Dr. LeRoy’s other “Band Aid” procedures, the Band Aid Brow Lift only requires local anesthesia and can be performed in the office while you are awake.. Band Aid procedures, like the Band Aid Brow Lift, are cost effective and minimally invasive alternatives to traditional surgical procedures.

Endoscopic Brow Lift

The endoscopic browlift procedure requires a few small incisions. Dr. LeRoy views the underlying surgical areas through the use of an endoscope, a tool about the size of a pencil that is attached to a monitor.

Endoscopic browlift patients in Atlanta should expect swelling in the weeks after surgery and itchiness along the incision line as the skin begins to heal. On average, endoscopic browlift patients should be able to return to work five to ten days after surgery and have full results within a month.


Contact Us

If you live in Atlanta and are interested in brow (forehead) lift surgery, please contact cosmetic surgeon Dr. John LeRoy today.