Is There Such a Thing as Minimally Invasive Liposuction?
Today, there are more techniques available than ever before for popular plastic surgery procedures like liposuction surgery. This includes increased demand for more modest, minimally invasive procedure alternatives as well. Some patients interested in body contouring only require modest tweaks to their appearance, and my line of signature Band Aid Plastic Surgery Procedures is perfect for this kind of patient. Today, I wanted to shine the spotlight on my Band Aid Liposuction surgery and how it can help my patients improve their body contour.
Traditional liposuction surgery is performed using a device called a cannula that breaks down fat deposits, before these fat cells are then suctioned out of the body. Band Aid Liposuction is able to provide similar fat removal results, but does so in a slightly different way. Because this minimally invasive version of liposuction uses even smaller surgical incisions, it can be performed here in my office using a simple gentle numbing agent. I often tell my patients to think of it as sort of a “mini” liposuction procedure.
Like traditional lipo, Band Aid Liposuction can be used to reduce excess fat from many areas of the body like the abdomen, hips, upper arms, back, and thighs. However, this procedure is most commonly used to address specific areas where very small amounts of stubborn fat can develop. I often perform Band Aid Lipo to help patients with unwanted fat in their lower abdomen, around the neck (double chin), and above their elbows.
Patients often ask which is “better” between Band Aid Liposuction and the standard version of the surgery, but the answer depends completely on the extent of fat removal that the patient desires and what can safely be removed. Some patients may require more extensive results that Band Aid Liposuction cannot help with. However, patients who are good candidates for the less invasive option are typically thrilled with their aesthetic results and love the shorter, simple post-surgery recovery time.
Minimally invasive Band Aid procedures can often be fantastic alternatives for many people, and I’m proud to be able to offer my patients these surgical options when possible. For more information on my traditional or Band Aid procedures or to schedule a plastic surgery consultation appointment today, contact me, Dr. John LeRoy. You can follow along with me on Facebook for additional tips, practice news, and much more.