True or False: Understanding The Band Aid Tummy Tuck
Helping patients improve their appearance without making their results seem too obvious or “overdone” is the challenge (or the art) of every plastic surgeon. There is certainly a line there, and it can differ from patient to patient, which is why finding the right surgical plan for each individual patient is so important. Some patients only require more modest aesthetic enhancement, which is why I offer minimally invasive plastic surgery options like my Band Aid Tummy Tuck procedure. Today, I wanted to discuss this outstanding surgery in more depth by addressing a few true and false statements about what it can do for my patients.
The Band Aid Tummy Tuck Can Help Remove Excess Skin & Fat
This is true. Although some varieties of mini tummy tuck procedures may be designed to only remove skin (and not fat) from the abdomen, the Band Aid Tummy Tuck can help patients with both. What makes it a “mini” procedure is the areas of focus. Instead of rejuvenating the entire abdominal area, I perform the Band Aid Tummy Tuck to address specific areas that require attention.
There Is Such A Thing as a Non-Surgical Tummy Tuck
No, this is false. Although a Band Aid Tummy Tuck is less invasive than traditional tummy tuck surgery, it is still plastic surgery. The main difference when performing the procedure is that it does not correct muscle separation, and is focused on skin removal and in some cases fat removal. Additionally, this procedure allows me to make a significantly smaller incision than I would with a traditional tummy tuck procedure. To reiterate, this is still surgery and patients will still need to prepare accordingly and expect a post-procedure recovery period (albeit, a shorter one).
The Results From a Band Aid Tummy Tuck Are Considered “Minor”
This is false. Even with this less invasive technique, the results that my patients have achieved over the years with the Band Aid Tummy Tuck are quite remarkable. I often tell my patients that the results aren’t “less” than they would be from a traditional version of the tummy tuck, they are just more narrowly focused for patients who only require less significant rejuvenation of their abdominal area.
I hope this has been helpful. Regardless of which method of tummy tuck procedure that my patients require, my team and I always do our best to ensure fantastic, long-lasting results and the best plastic surgery experience possible. For more information on my traditional or Band Aid procedures or to schedule a plastic surgery consultation appointment today, contact me, Dr. John LeRoy. You can follow along with me on Facebook and X for additional tips, practice news, and much more.