August Specials
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As we all know, aging is unavoidable. However, it goes without saying that no two people age in exactly the same way. The idea of “aging gracefully” is something that many people aspire to, but even this idea can mean different things to different people. Today, I wanted to dive more specifically into this topic and discuss how undergoing plastic surgery can help both men and women age gracefully with subtle aesthetic adjustments.
Over time, it’s natural for our bodies (especially our skin) to show signs of wear and tear. This can mean wrinkles, fine lines, loose skin, small pockets of hard-to-lose fat, and more. I have spoken with so many patients over the years, including people in their 50’s, 60’s, or older, who want to address these aesthetic imperfections without wanting to look “overly done” or like they are trying to look like they are 30 again. This is a careful balance that I have been helping patients achieve for decades now. Below, I wanted to discuss a few of the procedures that I perform most commonly to help my patients age gracefully with cosmetic surgery as an aid.
Eyelid surgery is an incredibly popular cosmetic surgery procedure for people trying to refresh their appearance in a subtle, but impactful way. During the procedure, I am able to carefully remove baggy skin and small deposits of fat from the upper and/or lower eyelids to fight off bags under the eyes, a hooded appearance, wrinkles around the eyes, and more. Facelift surgery can be a terrific option for anyone trying to rejuvenate the lower portion of their face, including the cheeks, mouth, and jawline.
I also perform a wide variety of minimally invasive Band Aid procedures intended to help patients who seek even more modest aesthetic intervention. Performed in my office under gentle numbing (instead of general anesthesia), my Band Aid plastic surgeries can help provide precise and natural-looking results, with less overall surgical costs and recovery time after surgery. My Band Aid procedures include the Band Aid Micro Mini Facelift, Band Aid Eyelid Surgery, Band Aid Brow Lift, Band Aid Laser Skin Resurfacing, and more.
I’m so proud to be able to offer my patients such a vast selection of anti-aging procedures. No matter the degree of cosmetic enhancement that each specific patient is seeking, I am confident that my team and I will be prepared to deliver the outstanding plastic surgery experience and results that they have come to expect from our practice over the years. For more information about the cosmetic surgery procedures that I offer, contact me, Dr. John L. LeRoy, to schedule a plastic surgery consultation today. You can also follow along with me on Facebook and Twitter for additional tips, practice news, and much more.
As a board-certified plastic surgeon, helping my patients achieve their aesthetic goals with the help of cosmetic surgery is obviously incredibly important to me. However, before this can be done, some patients may need help getting over their initial hesitancy and anxiety regarding plastic surgery. In addition to providing outstanding and long-lasting plastic surgery results, I understand that educating patients and making them feel at ease with the entire process is every bit as important. This is why I wanted to share a firsthand plastic surgery testimonial from Jenny, a patient of mine who wasn’t initially sure if cosmetic surgery was right for her.
When I first met Jenny during her initial consultation appointment, I could tell that she had been considering plastic surgery for some time, but maintained some reservations. As someone who meets with new patients who all have their own concerns and curiosities regarding cosmetic procedures, I understand this completely. Which is why I always use the consultation appointment to not only thoroughly discuss everything a patient should know about their cosmetic procedure options, but to allow my patients the time needed to make sure all of their specific concerns and questions have been addressed in a satisfying manner.
Keep reading to hear Jenny discuss her plastic surgery experience and the difference it has made for her in her own words:
“Dr. LeRoy and his staff are all very pleasant. My visit was for an issue that had been bothering me for 3 years since another surgical procedure. My issue possibly would not bother most people, but for myself, it was huge! Dr. LeRoy is a very caring and understanding professional, who takes the time to listen to his patients. His expectations of outcomes and honesty regarding his limitations made me feel hopeful and optimistic. I felt as though I could overcome this issue and trusted him to help me be free of my issues that were playing a tremendous role on my self consciousness. His surgery scheduler was super sweet and wonderful to work with. Thank you all so much!”
As any patient who has undergone a cosmetic procedure before will tell you, there is far more that goes into a person’s plastic surgery journey than the procedure itself. But by taking the time to be there for my patients before, during, and after their surgery has taken place, my medical team and I are proud of the level of care we are able to provide our patients through every step of the process. For more information about the cosmetic surgery procedures that I offer, including my selection of minimally-invasive Band Aid procedures, contact me, Dr. John L. LeRoy, to schedule a plastic surgery consultation today. Don’t forget that you can follow along with me on Facebook and Twitter for additional tips, practice news, and much more.
The ears aren’t often what people think of when considering plastic surgery, but that doesn’t mean that they can’t have a considerable impact on how someone feels about their appearance. For many people, symmetry and balance are essential components of the look that they desire. And ears someone deems too big or not shaped how they would like can lead to unhappiness and lack of self-esteem. This is why I perform cosmetic ear surgery (also known as otoplasty). Below, I was happy to answer a few questions about ear surgery and how it may be able to help my patients.
Question #1: What is ear pinning and who can benefit from this approach to ear surgery?
For people whose issue is ears that protrude out farther than they would like, ear pinning can be an outstanding procedure option. During the surgery, a small incision is made in the back of the ear. A small amount of skin and/or tissue is removed, and then the remaining cartilage is then re-shaped or brought closer to the side of the head using long-term sutures. The result is better shaped ears that rest closer in towards the head instead of sticking so far out.
Question #2: Does it make sense to undergo ear surgery at the same time as another cosmetic surgery procedure?
For some patients, this can be an outstanding approach to achieving more comprehensive facial rejuvenation. For example, rhinoplasty surgery is one plastic surgery that is commonly paired with ear surgery. Having both these procedures performed together can help achieve greater facial balance and harmony. Additionally, combining both procedures into one can help reduce overall surgical costs and recovery time when compared to undergoing them both separately.
Question #3: When can I wear headphones again after undergoing ear surgery?
It’s best to play it safe while recovering from ear surgery. Every patient is different, but my personal advice would be to wait at least a month following the procedure before putting on a pair of over ear headphones. It’s important to give your ears enough time to recover and build back up strength.
As a board-certified plastic surgeon, as well as a board-certified general surgeon who specializes in facial cosmetic surgery, my goal each day is to help my patients become their most confident and beautiful selves. For more information about ear surgery, or any other cosmetic surgery procedure that I perform, contact me, Dr. John L. LeRoy, to schedule a plastic surgery consultation today. You can also follow along with me on Facebook for additional tips, practice news, and much more.
If you have ever been to my office before, you know the thing that my medical team and I care about most is knowing that our patients are happy with their personal plastic surgery journey. After all, helping each patient we treat look and feel their absolute best is the goal we set for ourselves, it’s important to us that we continuously reach that standard. So when we receive positive feedback from someone that we have previously helped with a cosmetic procedure, it means the world to us. Today, I wanted to share one such example in the form of a firsthand plastic surgery testimonial.
Our spotlight patient Pamela was seeking facial rejuvenation to help fight common signs of aging. But she had some trepidation about plastic surgery, mostly due to concerns about post-surgery scarring. After discussing her goals and all of her potential procedure options, Pamela became intrigued by my less invasive Band Aid Facelift technique (performed in my office using gentle numbing).
Keep reading to hear Pamela’s account of her time in our office and the results we helped her achieve:
“Right before my Band Aid Facelift, Dr.LeRoy took more time to review some possible outcomes of my procedure. I am a Black woman with a boyish afro cut and he was concerned that I could possibly regret the surgical scars. He gave me the option to rethink the procedure. My womanly antennae had already picked up on his gentle perfectionism the first day I met him, and I had no doubt he could do the job. It has been close to one month and his surgical precision knows no boundaries. His perfectionism left me with near transparent and well-blended scars lines; in fact, my friends and family could not detect them at all. I just have to say that I am so happy with my choice to let Dr. LeRoy perform my Band Aid Facelift and I thank him and his staff for making me feel so at ease and confident during my office visits!”
It’s incredible to hear that Pamela is so happy with her Band Aid Facelift results. I pride myself on being able to make the cosmetic surgery process as simple, comfortable, and convenient as I can for my patients, and it’s deeply rewarding to know that this was Pamela’s experience. For more information about my selection of Band Aid procedures, or any other cosmetic surgery procedure that I perform, contact me, Dr. John L. LeRoy, to schedule a plastic surgery consultation today. Don’t forget that you can follow along with me on Facebook for additional tips, practice news, and much more.