What To Expect From Recovery After Liposuction

female-hands-on-bellyHaving excess body fat is an uncomfortable feeling for many people. However, it’s nothing to be ashamed of. Still, I completely understand the impulse to want to shed unwanted fat that a healthy diet and exercise alone cannot sufficiently address. This is why I perform liposuction surgery and my signature Band Aid Liposuction procedure to help patients achieve the trimmer, healthier body contour they desire. Today, I wanted to specifically discuss the recovery period after liposuction and what my patients can expect after their fat removal procedures.

Liposuction is among the most in-demand cosmetic procedures for both male and female patients, due to its fantastic dependability and versatility for treating areas all over the body. During the procedure, I use a narrow tube known as a microcannula to break down fat deposits in the area targeted for treatment. Once they have been successfully loosened, fat cells are then gently suctioned out of the body, leading to a more attractive contour.

Recovery following liposuction is typically more simple and straightforward than many patients realize. Although some liposuction is performed as an outpatient procedure, meaning no overnight hospital stay will be required. Post-surgical bruising and swelling in the treated area is normal following the procedure. Wearing a compression garment during this time will be helpful. As these effects decrease in a week or two after surgery. Daily activities like work and light exercise will likely be able to resume within one to two weeks as well. However, it may be one to two months before the body can handle more strenuous, high impact physical activity such as jogging.

Due to the minimally invasive nature of the procedure, the recovery period following a Band Aid Liposuction surgery is even shorter and easier than that of a traditional liposuction procedure. This procedure is performed in-office under gentle numbing (not anesthesia) to help patients with only minor amounts of fat in the treatment areas. Most patients are able to drive themselves home after Band Aid Liposuction and resume their normal daily activities after 2-4 days. However, this varies from patient to patient.

As a board-certified plastic surgeon, I’m always happy to be able to reassure my patients regarding things like their recovery. If you are curious about liposuction and would like to learn more, schedule a consultation with me, Dr. John LeRoy. You can also follow me on Facebook and Twitter for additional tips, news, practice updates, and much more.