How Soon Can I Exercise After Plastic Surgery?

The plastic surgery recovery process involves a good amount of planning. In order to have a safe and effective recovery period, it is important that you place certain life activities on hold. This can include work, family, hobbies, household chores, and, of course, exercise. Patients typically can return to work and day-to-day activities before they can go back to their exercise routine. Because of this, it is important to understand how timelines vary and what you should expect from the recovery process.

The amount of time you should spend recovering before resuming your workout routine depends on the type of procedure you had done. The most extensive procedure I perform is a tummy tuck, or abdominoplasty, which requires two to four weeks to get back to daily activities and light exercise. An additional six weeks is needed before you can get back to exercises that involve heavy lifting. With less invasive procedures, such as the Band Aid Mini Facelift, you can return to work in about a week depending on how much swelling and bruising you have. After two weeks, you can return to your normal exercise routine.

Before your surgery, we’ll also discuss other ways to make your recovery smoother and more effective. For example, a joke I always tell my patients is “don’t stand on your head.” But in all seriousness, during the recovery period, you should keep your head above your heart at all times. Doing otherwise can induce swelling and cause possible complications.

Check out the video below to learn more about how to manage your exercise routine during your plastic surgery recovery.

Ultimately, your recovery time will depend on your age, procedure and typical activity levels. If you would like to learn more about the plastic surgery procedures I offer and what your recovery period might be like, schedule a consultation with me, Dr. John L. LeRoy in Atlanta today. Additionally, follow me on Facebook, Twitter and YouTube for more plastic and cosmetic surgery insights.