Meet My Band Aid Mini Facelift Patients

For many patients who are exploring their options for plastic surgery to restore a more youthful appearance, my Band Aid Facelift can be an ideal option – it’s minimally invasive and offers a shortened recovery time while providing natural-looking results with minimal scarring. “But,” many wonder, “what do other patients have to say about their experience?” While every surgery is unique, you can learn a lot by hearing from patients who have had a similar procedure from the same plastic surgeon. Fortunately, many of my Band Aid Facelift patients are generous enough to share their thoughts.


Like many others, Mary began her plastic surgery journey by researching the surgeons and procedures available, and she made the choice to visit me about a Band Aid Mini Facelift partially based on the recommendations of my other past patients. Three months after her surgery, she was kind enough to offer her thoughts about her experience as well as how she feels about her results.


Joe is a perfect example of how the Band Aid Facelift can work so well with the other minimally invasive surgeries I’ve designed, like the Band Aid Brow Lift or Band Aid Liposuction. In this case, as he explains in his video, he was a great candidate for a Band Aid Facelift combined with Band Aid Eyelid Surgery to remove “bags under the eyes.” Joe says he sees a ten-year age difference when he looks in the mirror, and he’s also a perfect example of how diverse my patients are (plastic surgery isn’t just for the stereotypical wealthy middle-aged woman – it can help nearly anyone feel more confident).


While plastic surgery is elective and cosmetic, it’s still surgery, so it’s important that you take your time to do some research, ask questions, and choose both the surgeon and the procedure which makes you feel safe and comfortable. Looking for patient testimonials and before-and-after photos can be a helpful part of this process, but your most telling experience will be a personal consultation with your surgeon. To get started, contact my Atlanta office to schedule your consultation. For more helpful tips, follow me, Dr. John L. LeRoy, on Facebook, Twitter and Google+.

*Name has been changed for privacy purposes.