Band Aid Tummy Tuck: Minimally Invasive Abdominoplasty

Every plastic surgeon knows that cosmetic surgery techniques vary because every patient’s body requires something different.  For instance, plastic surgeons aim to strategically hide incisions so that scars do not show after surgery, and what may appear hidden on one patient may not work for another.  Take liposuction patients as an example.  One liposuction patient may need more fat removed from an area like their abdomen, while a different patient may need more refining of their hips or flanks. These differences are why I’ve refined what I call my Band Aid procedures.

So far, I’ve developed minimally invasive techniques for Band Aid Liposuction, Band Aid Facelift, Band Aid Blepharoplasty, Band Aid Brow Lift, and Band Aid Tummy Tuck for those patients whose cosmetic concerns only require less invasive, “mini” procedure.

Similar to the traditional tummy tuck, the Band Aid Tummy Tuck can eliminate excess, stretched abdominal skin resulting from pregnancy or weight loss.  The only difference from the traditional procedure is that Band Aid Tummy Tuck patients should be of a healthy body weight and only have a tiny amount of excess abdominal tissue. Like all of my Band Aid procedures, I perform the Band Aid Tummy Tuck right in my office with gentle numbing using local anesthesia.

Sometimes, I combine the Band Aid Tummy Tuck with Band Aid Liposuction if my patient also has a small amount of excess fat they would like to have removed.  It’s important to understand that when I say a little excess tissue or a little excess fat, I mean just that.  Band Aid body shaping procedures are only effective for people who are already at a healthy body weight.

Although the Band Aid Tummy Tuck is a “mini” version of the traditional tummy tuck, it still produces noticeable results with significantly less recovery time.  Perfect for those mothers who just can’t eliminate excess abdominal skin with exercise, the Band Aid Tummy Tuck can also help provide a “mini” Mommy Makeover.  Mommy Makeover Surgery usually includes a combination of liposuction, tummy tuck, and a breast procedure (depending on the patient’s needs).

For more information on the plastic surgery procedures that I perform, visit my website and continue to read my blog for plastic surgery news.  I hope you’ll connect with me on Facebook and Twitter to learn more about my Band Aid procedures, along with other plastic surgery techniques and share with me what you’re interested in learning.