Give 2016 a Beautiful Start with Our January Specials

The new year is a perfect opportunity to hit pause and assess what we want from our lives and how much progress we’ve made toward our goals. For my plastic surgery patients, one of their goals is to feel more confident in their appearance and less burdened by self-consciousness. If you want to head into 2016 feeling happier with your look, my January specials may be able to help you achieve the results you’re looking for.

atlanta cosmetic surgery specialsBand Aid Laser Skin Resurfacing

Many of my patients have already heard that laser treatments can rejuvenate the skin, but during my Band Aid Laser Skin Resurfacing procedure, this effect is achieved with less downtime and a more natural-looking result than more traditional laser resurfacing. By sending the laser light into the skin in a pattern of tiny dots, Band Aid Laser Skin Resurfacing is able to boost your body’s collagen production and minimize the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, age spots, and other imperfections while leaving the areas of skin between the dots untouched. This leads to an overall younger look and less downtime than traditional laser resurfacing procedures.

Band Aid Skin Tightening

Sagging facial skin doesn’t happen overnight; it develops slowly over the years. If you have enough skin laxity to make you self-conscious but not enough to need a facelift or a Band Aid Facelift, my Band Aid Skin Tightening may be the ideal choice. The procedure uses controlled warmth to help your skin rebuild firming collagen, allowing your skin to gradually look younger with no incisions, needles, or lasers.

Latisse® Eyelash Enhancement

For those whose cosmetic struggles have less to do with aging and more with inadequate lashes, Latisse® eyelash enhancement may be a surprisingly simple solution. While it must be prescribed by a select few types of medical professionals such as a board-certified plastic surgeon like me, Latisse® is a topical medication you can apply in your own home on a nightly basis. By adjusting your lashes’ growth cycles, the treatment causes them to become longer, fuller, and darker.

The start of a new year is an exciting time when we look at the coming months and consider all the possibilities they hold, but as I’ve seen first-hand, self-consciousness can quickly put a damper on optimism. I look forward to another great year of helping you become your most confident and beautiful self. Happy New Year!