Common Myths and Facts about Cosmetic Eyelid Surgery

As successful as the latest non-surgical treatments are for reducing wrinkles and helping people look younger, there are some signs of aging and cosmetic issues that still need to be corrected surgically. Cosmetic eyelid surgery is one procedure that doesn’t have a non-surgical alternative. Technically, there are two types of eyelid surgery, or blepharoplasty: upper eyelid surgery, which removes excess sagging skin above the eyes, and lower eyelid surgery, which removes “bags under the eyes.” But like most plastic surgeries, there are plenty of misconceptions and misunderstandings about these procedures. As a double board-certified plastic surgeon with over 30 years of experience, I’ve heard nearly every myth around, so in today’s blog, I’m explaining the facts behind several common eyelid surgery myths.

Common Myths and Facts about Cosmetic Eyelid Surgery

Myth #1: Eyelid surgery will leave a noticeable scar.

Some patients are intimidated by having surgery on a very visible area (like the eyelids) because they worry that they will have a prominent scar. But the reality is quite the opposite. In fact, the scarring from eyelid surgery is very minimal. For upper eyelid surgery, the subtle scar is typically within the natural folds of the eyelid. For lower eyelid surgery, the incision is made either within the lash line or, if you don’t need any skin removed, on the inside of the lower eyelid so there is no visible scar at all.

Myth #2: Eyelid surgery can fix dark circles under the eyes.

Both “bags under the eyes” and dark circles under the eyes are common cosmetic complaints, but eyelid surgery is not typically an effective treatment for dark circles. While they vary from person to person, temporary dark circles can be caused by allergies, lack of sleep, and other factors, while long-term dark circles are typically caused by either shadowing from a lack of volume or from thinning skin due to aging. Depending on the culprit (which can be determined in a consultation with a board-certified plastic surgeon), either facial filler injections or minimally invasive laser treatments are generally the best treatments.

Myth #3: Eyelid surgery can give you chronic dry eye.

While this is a potential side effect of eyelid surgery, it happens when a surgeon overcorrects by removing too much skin and it’s extremely rare when your surgery is performed by a board-certified plastic surgeon who is highly experienced in eyelid surgery specifically. If you choose the right cosmetic surgeon, the chances that you’ll experience this issue are very small.

Myth #4: Eyelid surgery is unnecessary because you can get rid of bags under your eyes naturally.

Not all bags under the eyes are the same. Temporary bags can be caused by lack of sleep, water retention, and other short-term causes. Long-term bags under the eyes, on the other hand, are caused when natural fat deposits under the eyes move forward with age and the skin loses its firmness. While those temporary bags can often be reduced with home remedies and lifestyle changes, permanent bags can only be treated effectively with lower blepharoplasty.

As with any plastic surgery, learning about eyelid surgery can help you be more informed about what to expect and whether it may be the right fit for your cosmetic goals. To find out if you’re a candidate for blepharoplasty or to ask any other questions you may have about the procedure, schedule an eyelid surgery consultation. For more helpful tips and facts about cosmetic surgery, follow me on Facebook, Twitter, and Google+.