Don’t Miss New Band Aid Laser Treatments and Cosmetic Injectable October Specials

This time of year people often start preparing for the holidays. Some start planning family get-togethers while others take family photos for holiday cards, but no matter what’s on the menu this holiday season, everyone wants to look their best. Now is the time to start planning any cosmetic treatments you intend to pursue before the hustle and bustle of this busy season starts. This is especially true if you’re considering a cosmetic surgery procedure. Even with the short recovery time associated with my Band Aid procedures, it’s still important to allow for a full recovery. If you are interested in looking refreshed before the holidays without surgery, make sure to take note of our facial rejuvenation specials.

Now through October 31st, you can receive $100 off Dysport® or Restylane® injections. Relax the muscles that cause wrinkles on the forehead and around the eyes with Dysport®, or fill in wrinkles and areas of lost volume with Restylane®. Plus, we will be offering $1000 off our newest treatment, Band Aid Laser Skin Resurfacing. As a special introduction, you can have Band Aid Laser treatment of the full face for only $1250.

We use the DOT laser for our Band Aid Laser treatment. Dermal optical thermolysis (DOT) emits controlled laser pulses to the surface of the skin to correct sun damage, improve texture, minimize wrinkles, and reduce surface imperfections. Just like the Band Aid Facelift or any of my other Band Aid procedures, Band Aid Laser treatments are performed in-office using gentle numbing. One of the technology’s most advanced features is the ability to adjust settings based on the patient’s needs and skin type. I’m even able to adjust the setting during treatment to focus on specific concerns for the best results.

So whether you’re interested in cosmetic injectables or Band Aid Laser treatment for facial rejuvenation, schedule your appointment before October 31st and save! Be sure to visit our website for more information if you’re interested in my plastic surgery procedures. Also, find me on Facebook and Twitter to stay updated on plastic surgery news and specials.