Revisionary Plastic Surgery: Why Secondary Liposuction is on the Rise

Discussed at the annual ASAPS conference in Vancouver, Canada, the number of secondary liposuction cases plastic surgeons treat is on the rise.  According to the expert panel that spoke on the subject at the conference, this increase in the number of patients coming to their practice to correct the initial results of a fat reduction treatment can be attributed mainly to the proliferation of non-invasive, thermal powered fat reduction procedures now available to consumers through a variety of providers.

Unlike liposuction (body sculpting) plastic surgery that must be performed by a licensed doctor of medicine (preferably a board certified plastic surgeon), thermal fat reduction treatments like CoolSculpting® or Exilis® can be used by a broader range of medical providers.  As with any cosmetic treatment, board certified plastic and cosmetic surgeon in Atlanta, Dr. John LeRoy, urges his patients to do their homework before any treatment.  Even proven technology can produce sub-par results in the hands of under qualified or inexperienced providers.  Additionally, patients must be appropriate candidates for minimally invasive procedures, or they may not get the results they’re expecting.

Similar to the research required of those patients interested in pursuing breast revision surgery to remedy the effects of breast surgery complications or unsatisfactory breast augmentation results, those unhappy with their original body sculpting results should know what is and isn’t possible with secondary liposuction.  Cosmetic surgery does create scars and can result in complications like excess scar tissue, swelling, and uneven skin if performed improperly or if aftercare instructions are not followed correctly.

There are a variety of surgical fat removal methods available to patients depending on the number and size of areas they wish to treat.  In fact, Dr. LeRoy offers both traditional tumescent liposuction for larger areas of exercise and diet resistant fat as well as Band Aid Liposuction for small, isolated areas of fat.  It’s important, however, for patients to complete a thorough consultation with their prospective plastic surgeon to determine if these methods can properly address their existing cosmetic issues.  It’s also important to remember that fat reduction surgery is not a suitable substitute of a healthy diet and regular exercise.  Though liposuction does permanently remove targeted fat cells, the remaining cells still possess the ability to expand.

To learn more about the body contouring methods Dr. LeRoy offers, or to schedule you liposuction consultation, contact our office.  For information on the newest fat reduction techniques and their abilities, connect with us on Facebook and Twitter.