Breast Revision Surgery an Option for Patients Who Wish to Re-Do their Breast Augmentation

The decision to undergo surgery is a big one; so it is imperative that patients are satisfied with their results. If a patient does not receive the results they were hoping for after the initial surgery, patients can choose to visit another surgeon for a revisionary or “re-do” procedure.

For patients unhappy with a breast augmentation received at another practice, Dr. John LeRoy offers breast revision surgery. Breast Revision patients range from those who are dissatisfied with their previous surgery/surgeon, those whose breast shape, size, and placement have changed with weight fluctuation, or those whose opinion of what they want their breasts to look like has changed over the years.

Commonly, breast revision surgeries involve a decrease or increase in implants size or a lift in placement through breast lift surgery. Other revisionary procedures include the removal of the implants altogether or the insertion of a different type of implant (saline to silicone or silicone to saline).

Complications from breast augmentation surgery are rare when your surgery is performed by a board certified plastic surgeon and the proper post surgical care is taken. But in the rare event that complications do arise, breast revision surgery can correct issues like implant rupture, wrinkling, hardening or implant displacement.

If you are dissatisfied with the results of your breast augmentation surgery, or any other cosmetic surgery procedure, contact Dr. LeRoy to schedule a consultation.