Common Myths About Breast Sagging

cosmetic breast surgery atlanta gaMany women become concerned when their breasts begin to sag and lose their youthful form. It’s an incredibly common issue and can often be fixed with a breast lift. Dr. John LeRoy has helped thousands of women restore their confidence with this procedure, but in order to ensure that people have accurate information, he would like to dispel some of the common myths about breast sagging.

Breast sagging typically occurs because of the natural decrease in skin elasticity and gradual stretching of Cooper’s ligaments in the breasts over time. Other factors include pregnancy, smoking, rapid weight loss/gain, and high BMI. The following are common myths about breast sagging that have been disproven.

Myth 1: Breastfeeding causes breasts to sag

This is one of the most common and prevailing myths about breastfeeding. Pregnancy is truthfully more damaging to breast shape and size because of the rapid weight gain. The actual act of breastfeeding does not cause a woman’s breasts to lose their upright position.

Myth 2: Exercise can prevent breasts from sagging

Although exercise is recommended for maintaining a healthy lifestyle, it doesn’t necessarily prevent breasts from sagging. There is a myth that pushups and other chest exercises can work as a method to retain perky breasts. Toning muscle can help improve the appearance of this area, but breasts are predominately composed of fat, so only so much can be done with physical activity.

Myth 3: Women with larger breasts should be more concerned about sagging

Breasts of any size can experience sagging due to many different factors. There is no reason for women with larger breasts to be disproportionally concerned compared to women with smaller breasts. Small breasts might have less tissue that can potentially sag, but they can still lose skin elasticity and strength in Cooper’s ligaments that help them retain their upright form.

Myth 4: Not wearing a bra makes breasts sag

Bras are excellent for providing comfort and support to breast tissue during women’s day-to-day lives. However, they don’t prevent breasts from aging and sagging. Even the best push-up bras can’t completely stop the effects of gravity. There’s also a myth that incorrectly states that wearing a bra at night during sleep can keep breasts perky. It may be more comfortable to sleep with support, but it doesn’t act as a preventative measure.

It’s important to recognize the myths around breast sagging so you aren’t wasting your efforts without seeing real improvements. If you have any questions about this subject or the breast lift procedure, call Dr. John LeRoy’s office at 404.843.0840. Don’t forget to follow us on Facebook and Twitter for more information about cosmetic procedures and details about monthly specials.