Male vs. Female Breast Reduction: How It Works

While I’m known for my Band Aid Plastic Surgery line for face and body contouring procedures, I am a double board-certified plastic surgeon who also performs breast procedures. In addition to breast augmentation and breast lift, I also perform breast reduction for both male and female patients. Breast reduction surgery can be a huge relief for my patients, leading to lessened pain and in some cases, embarrassment associated with overly large breasts.

Male vs. Female Breast Reduction: How It WorksBreast reduction surgery eliminates excess skin and breast tissue contributing to physical and aesthetic complaints; however, the surgical process differs between men and women. When it comes to male breast reduction, liposuction is used to address excess fat of the chest before the tougher glandular tissue is surgically excised. After surgery, men who have suffered from gynecomastia, or overly developed breasts in men, will no longer see the overly feminine appearance they once lived with. There are many causes for gynecomastia, including hormones and genetics. While it is in no way life-threatening, dealing with the appearance on a day to day basis can be agonizing for some individuals.

For women with overly large breasts, shoulder and neck pain, skin irritation from bra and skin rubbing, and sagging are extremely common reasons to pursue breast reduction. Never feel alone in your struggles—according to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS), over 41,000 women had breast reduction in 2013 alone. For females, an incision is typically made around the nipple, down the lower breast, and into the breast crease to form an anchor shape. From here, I carefully remove the excess breast tissue before tightening the remaining skin to reduce breast volume and create a more natural shape.

To learn more about breast reduction and the other cosmetic breast surgery options I offer, visit my website or schedule a consultation today.  Connect with me, Dr. John L. LeRoy, on FacebookTwitter, and Google + for the latest cosmetic surgery news.