Can Rhinoplasty Make Me Look Younger?

While not typically what you think of when someone mentions facial rejuvenation surgery, rhinoplasty (nose surgery) does have the ability to help create a more proportional aesthetic which can in turn produce a younger looking appearance.   Using over twenty years of cosmetic and plastic surgery experience, Dr. John LeRoy performs rhinoplasty to reduce the bridge and/or refine the tip of the nose or nostrils.rhinoplasty in atlanta

In a study published in the Archive of Facial Plastic Surgery last year, cosmetic nose surgery was found to make patients appear an average of one and a half years younger than their chronological age.  While not statistically significant, Dr. LeRoy believes small changes like these and those produced by his Band Aid Plastic Surgery Procedures can culminate to produce natural-looking anti-aging results.

“When I speak with a majority of my facial rejuvenation patients, they’re not typically concerned about one particular feature.  On the whole, most patients want to look like themselves, but ten years younger.  By looking at the big picture and using a custom combination of treatments to address concerns, more subtle yet effective results can be achieved,” shares Dr. LeRoy.

Dependent upon your individual cosmetic needs, Dr. LeRoy may combine rhinoplasty (nose surgery) and liposuction of the double chin or nose surgery and browlift to yield a more refreshed appearance overall.  To learn more about the facial rejuvenation procedures performed by Dr. LeRoy visit his website and continue to read his blog.  You can also learn more about the latest plastic surgery studies and news by connecting with Dr. LeRoy on Facebook, Twitter, and Google+.