Traveling to a Facelift Surgeon vs. Choosing One Close to Home

One of the most pervasive messages in my blog is that patients need to choose a plastic surgeon who is board-certified and is experienced in their specific procedure, and that their surgeon also needs to be someone they can trust. Unfortunately, this is easier said than done. You may live in a small town or another area where there isn’t a wide selection of qualified surgeons. Or, you may know of a great surgeon, but their office is hours or states away. So which is better – settling for a surgeon nearby or traveling to the surgeon you want?

Traveling to a Facelift Surgeon vs. Choosing One Close to HomePros and Cons of Accepting a Surgeon Nearby

It’s certainly not a good idea to just pick the plastic surgeon who’s closest to your home, but working with a surgeon who’s nearby has definite advantages. First of all, it makes the logistics of the surgery easier. While plastic surgery is done on an outpatient basis so you can go home the same day, most patients will need someone to drive them to and from the surgery. It’s much easier to find someone whose schedule can accommodate a 30-minute drive than a three-hour drive. You’ll also be going to your surgeon’s office several times throughout the process (consultation, surgery, and a few follow-up visits), so travel time is certainly a factor to consider.

It’s also helpful to have your surgeon nearby during your recovery. It’s very common for patients to have questions about whether certain stages of their recovery are normal, and to seek additional guidance. It’s comforting for patients to know that if they’re concerned, they can be at their surgeon’s office in half an hour for an evaluation.

There are clear benefits to choosing a plastic surgeon who’s near you, but if there aren’t any well-qualified surgeon within a reasonable distance of your home, the decision becomes more complicated. If your surgeon isn’t board-certified or hasn’t performed a facelift in five years, all the convenience in the world won’t improve your chances of getting a good result.

Pros and Cons of Traveling to a Highly Qualified Plastic Surgeon

If you don’t live near any plastic surgeons who you feel are qualified enough to make you feel comfortable, your other option is finding a surgeon elsewhere in the country and traveling to them. But before I discuss this, please note that I’m referring to traveling to another part of your own state or to another state within the US for the purposes of using a more qualified surgeon. This is different than plastic surgery tourism (traveling to a different country for cheaper surgery). Having surgery in another country carries a long list of vital risk factors, and it is not recommended for your health and safety.

Traveling within the US for a more qualified, board-certified plastic surgeon, however, can be a viable option for some patients. Not only does this allow you to choose from a wider pool of highly experienced surgeons, but it gives you more freedom to choose a surgeon you can trust. A trusting relationship and open communication are important for your health as well as your results, so in some cases, this is worth traveling for.

Still, there are downsides to keep in mind. Long flights and long car rides shortly after surgery can raise your risk for complications. As anyone who flies regularly knows, it’s also easy to pick up a cold or flu from a plane full of people, and this can slow down your facelift recovery. Your surgeon may recommend that you stay in his/her city for a certain number of days after surgery to minimize these risks. It all depends on your procedure and your specific circumstances, but be sure to discuss this with your surgeon at your initial consultation.

There are many pieces of the puzzle that need to be in place for you to get your best plastic surgery results, from your health to the surgeon to your post-surgical care. By weighing the options above, you can give yourself the strongest opportunity to become your most confident and beautiful self. To find out more about facelift surgery or my minimally invasive Band Aid Facelift or Band Aid Micro Mini Facelift, contact my Atlanta plastic surgery office. Be sure to follow me on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and Google+ as well for more helpful patient tips.