What Band Aid Liposuction Can and Cannot Do

lady-measures-waistEven with a strict diet and exercise regime, it can be difficult to lose stubborn excess fat. If you have small pockets of fat you want to reduce, but don’t want to undergo a comprehensive liposuction procedure, Band Aid Liposuction may be a great solution. While this minimally-invasive procedure has a number of positives, there are a few things that this treatment is unable to do. To help you get a better understanding about what my signature Band Aid Liposuction treatment can and cannot do, I, Dr. John L. LeRoy, have provided a few insights that you should know about this procedure.

Band Aid Liposuction Can Treat Multiple Areas of the Body and Face
Whether you want to reduce fat from your double chin, your thighs or shape areas of the jowl, Band Aid Liposuction is fully equipped to provide treatment to multiple areas of the face and body. This procedure is designed to effectively eliminate excess fat from the abdomen, arms, hips, thighs, knees, jowls, behind the elbows and under the chin.

Band Aid Liposuction Cannot Replace Traditional Liposuction
At its core, Band Aid Liposuction is a “mini” version of liposuction that serves as a great alternative for patients with small pockets of excess fat who do not need to undergo a traditional liposuction surgery. Because of this, the best candidates for this treatment are those who are at a healthy weight, but want to reduce small, bothersome areas of excess fat from their face and body.

Band Aid Liposuction is not designed for patients who have more moderate or disproportionate amounts of excess fat. In addition to my Band Aid treatment, I also perform traditional liposuction procedures, so I can help you to evaluate your individualized needs and find the best body contouring option for you.

Band Aid Liposuction Can Be Performed In-Office
Similar to traditional liposuction methods, this procedure uses tiny micro cannulas to remove excess fat cells through small incisions in the treatment area. However, Band Aid Liposuction differs because it is performed in-office with gentle numbing instead of general anesthesia. Performing this body contouring treatment this way allows for little downtime and a quick recovery time. Immediately after the procedure, most patients are even able to drive themselves home.

Band Aid Liposuction Cannot Replace Diet and Exercise
At the end of day, liposuction is not a substitute for maintaining a consistent diet and exercise routine. Living a healthy lifestyle post-procedure is important because extreme weight loss or gain can alter your results.

If you are interested in learning more about Band Aid Liposuction or any of my other signature Band Aid or traditional cosmetic procedures, contact me, double board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. John L. LeRoy in Atlanta today. Additionally, follow me on Facebook, Twitter and YouTube for more insights about my plastic and cosmetic surgery services.