How Method & Skill Influences the Effectiveness of Laser Skin Resurfacing

Truth be told, laser skin resurfacing is no longer a new or innovative procedure. In fact, you’ll find laser service centers promising smooth skin that defies the test of time every few miles in nearly every major city. It’s not the presence of a laser that makes the real difference on your skin. It’s the method, skill, and experience of the person using it.

the Effectiveness of Laser Skin ResurfacingBand Aid Laser Skin Resurfacing is a component of my Band Aid Plastic Surgery line, a collection of minimally-invasive cosmetic procedures that utilize gentle numbing and require no extensive downtime. In fact, most laser skin treatment patients only require one treatment for noticeable anti-aging results. We’re able to provide this by utilizing DOT laser skin resurfacing, a refined version of the fractionated laser technique that uses thinner columns of laser light than other fractionated techniques.  The result? The body’s healing responses are activated, promoting a speedy recovery and fine-tuned results.

The newer fractionated laser technology also enables patients to achieve more natural looking results for those seeking subtle rejuvenation. The most common side effect following Band Aid Laser Skin Resurfacing is a sunburned appearance immediately following treatment. Still, patients are able to immediately return to their normal activities with this reddish appearance diminishing within 3-5 days.

If a patient’s facial aging encompasses more than just the skin’s surface, I may recommend looking into Band Aid Plastic Surgery procedures such as Band Aid Facelift or Band Aid Blepharoplasty (eyelid lift). By delving slightly deeper, I can address lax underlying muscle or excess skin that often adds to an aged appearance.

To determine if Band Aid Laser treatment is right for you, schedule your consultation with me, Dr. John L. LeRoy, today.  Don’t forget to also connect with us on FacebookTwitter, and Google + for the latest cosmetic treatment news and specials.