CoolSculpting v. Band Aid Liposuction: How do I know which fat reduction procedure is right for me?

CoolSculpting v. Band Aid Liposuction: How do I know which fat reduction procedure is right for me?With the plethora of fat reduction procedures on the market, understanding the capabilities of this ever-expanding selection of treatments can be a bit challenging.  CoolSculpting® was introduced as a non-invasive fat reduction procedure to U.S. markets in 2010.  This technology uses the power of extreme temperatures (applied externally) to damage isolated collections of fat cells on areas of the body like the abdomen and hips, which the body disposes of through the lymphatic system over the 2-4 months following the treatment.

While this procedure is enticing due to the promise of no downtime or surgery, it is meant for specific types of patients just like Dr. LeRoy’s original Band Aid Liposuction technique.  The ideal CoolSculpting patient has very small areas of excess fat on the hips, abdomen and/or flanks and is in good overall health.  The other thing to realize about non-surgical fat reduction is that results are gradual.  The body takes several months to filter the damaged cells out of the patient’s system for inch loss.

Band Aid Liposuction is also designed to address isolated areas of diet and exercise resistant fat; however, because the procedure removes the fat through suctioning cannulas, the results are typically more dramatic than those associated with non-surgical treatments. Band Aid Liposuction also offers patients treatment flexibility.  Performed in-office with gentle numbing, Band Aid Liposuction can be used to remove excess fat from a variety of locations including the abdomen, hips, knees, under the chin, and arms.  Both CoolScupting and Band Aid Liposuction are safe, effective procedures for appropriately qualified patients.

An important thing to remember when researching fat reduction treatments is to consult with a qualified provider.  An experienced surgeon with an extensive results portfolio ,which you can review during your consultation, is best equipped to perform surgical fat reduction like Band Aid Liposuction or recommend the most appropriate alternative treatment options like tummy tuck or mommy makeover surgery.  If you’re pursuing a non-surgical treatment, it’s best to consult a certified practitioner who also has an extensive before and after picture collections of their own work for you to review.

To learn more about the fat reduction options that Dr. LeRoy provides visit his website and continue to read his blog.  Connect with Dr. LeRoy on Facebook and Twitter to learn about the newest body contouring options as they become available.