Need to Refresh Your Results? Try Band Aid Procedures!

Having a facelift can be a great decision for women and men alike to choose to take charge of the effects aging has on the face. However, as years pass and the aging process inevitably continues, I am often asked what can be done to revitalize the initial results of a traditional facelift. As a double board-certified plastic surgeon, I offer many options for patients who wish to see a reinvigorated appearance.

Need to Refresh Your Results? Try Band Aid Procedures!As we age, collagen production unavoidably slows down and lends to the appearance of wrinkles and sagging in the skin. Though having a facelift procedure all over again generally is not necessary, Band Aid Facelifts can be an ideal solution to touch up your results.

Though Band Aid Facelift was created to relieve signs of aging for patients who don’t yet require a traditional facelift, its purpose also perfectly suits those seeking to renew previous plastic surgery results. Band Aid Facelift is performed in-office, uses smaller incisions and gentle numbing instead of general anesthesia. It also necessitates a far shorter recovery than traditional facelift, with most patients able to return to normal activity within 3 to 5 days.

Countless patients have been and continue to be very pleased with the subtle, natural-looking results that stem from the procedure.  As an added benefit, Band Aid Facelift brings fewer risks due to the less invasive nature of the procedure as a whole.

As an additional option for patients seeking to restore a younger, more alert appearance, I offer Band Aid Laser Skin Resurfacing and Skin Tightening with Protégé. These minimally-invasive procedures provide just the right amount of rejuvenation and are performed in-office with gentle numbing. You can stimulate collagen production and eliminate fine lines, wrinkles, acne, sun spots, and lax skin in just a few treatments! Whether utilized as initial treatments or regular maintenance to your previous results, each of these procedures aid in renewing a younger-looking complexion.

To determine your candidacy for a Band Aid Plastic Surgery or traditional procedure, contact our office to schedule a consultation. You can also learn more about my minimally-invasive procedures by connecting with me, Dr. John LeRoy, on FacebookTwitter, and Google+.