Ask Dr. LeRoy: How Do I Get Rid of Bags Under My Eyes?

If eyes are windows into the soul, then the bags under them are like the mismatched curtains that block the view. Regardless of age, many people fret over the cosmetic issue of bags under their eyes. It can often cause a person’s appearance to appear aged and tired. Dr. John L LeRoy receives frequent questions about how to fade this condition, so he wants to address ways that patients can improve and enhance this area.

What's the Difference Between a Band Aid Facelift and a Band Aid Micro Mini FaceliftWhy do bags form under the eyes?

One of the trickiest aspects of bags underneath eyes is that it can be due to a variety of different reasons. This makes it difficult for a patient to self-diagnose and figure out a specific method to get rid of them. Understanding why bags and dark circles form can help individuals adopt preventative measures into their skincare routine. The following actions can contribute to this cosmetic state:

  • Sleep deprivation
  • Smoking
  • Prolonged eye strain
  • Dehydration
  • Various allergies
  • Natural aging

Making a concerted effort to reduce these negative contributors that are in our control will likely reduce the severity. However, bags under the eyes can frequently be a genetic trait that can’t be fully solved by lifestyle adjustments.

Are there any procedures that can help fade bags under my eyes?

Thankfully, Dr. John LeRoy offers cosmetic procedures like a blepharoplasty or Band Aid Blepharoplasty that can significantly fade the bags underneath your eyes. These are both popular cosmetic surgeries that can safely rejuvenate the lower portion of the eyelids. Many at-home treatments have become popularized through circulation on the internet, but these solutions aren’t lasting nor are they nearly as effective as the blepharoplasty or Band Aid Blepharoplasty.

The results that you can achieve from a blepharoplasty and Band Aid Blepharoplasty are typically permanent, so patients don’t have to consistently struggle for improvement. This minor surgery attains natural-looking and successful results while also leaving barely-visible to no scarring. Depending upon your specific needs, it can remove fat deposits or sagging skin that accentuates the appearance of dark circles or bags.

Cosmetic procedures aren’t part of a one-size-fits-all mentality, so Dr. John LeRoy performs the full, traditional blepharoplasty as well as the Band Aid blepharoplasty, which is ideal for even more subtle results. For more information on our cosmetic procedures and monthly specials, don’t forget to follow us on Facebook and Twitter!