Tips for the Best Liposuction Results

Body contouring with liposuction is continually one of the most popular cosmetic procedures pursued by both male and female patients.  According to the American Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery’s 2012 statistics, liposuction was the second most popular cosmetic surgical procedure, only behind breast augmentation.  While it may be a common procedure, with 313,011 cases nationwide in 2012 alone, there are still some important things you should know ahead of time.

Tips for the Best Atlanta Liposuction Results With over 20 years of plastic and cosmetic surgery experience, Dr. John LeRoy reiterates to patients that liposuction is not a weight loss method.  While fat is permanently removed during liposuction, the weight of the amount that can safely be removed is not enough to show a dramatic change on the scale.  Dr. LeRoy also emphasizes the importance of the following to achieve optimal liposuction results:

Lose the weight before surgery:  To achieve the most desired liposuction results, it’s important to be at or near your ideal body weight going into surgery.  As mentioned before, liposuction is designed to contour the treatment areas and not to reduce weight.  Liposuction can be performed on nearly every area of the body including, but not limited to, the arms, love handles, lower abdomen, legs, and under the chin.

Wear the recommended post-surgical dressings:  Because the tumescent liposuction technique utilized by Dr. LeRoy in traditional and Band Aid Liposuction cases requires the injection of tumescent fluid ( a mixture of anesthetic and saline solution) to reduce bleeding and “puff-up” fat cells for easier removal, there is inevitably some swelling.   By wearing the recommended post-surgical compression garments, you’ll limit the amount of additional swelling by the body.

Give yourself time to recover:  Even Band Aid Liposuction, utilizing gentle numbing to eliminate very small areas of isolated fat in-office, requires the movement of a cannula that can result in some post-procedure bruising.  By following your prescribed after-care instructions and limiting strenuous activity following surgery you greatly reduce the risk of post-operative complications like excess swelling and bleeding.   

Maintain a healthy diet and regular exercise routine:   Though fat cells are permanently removed with liposuction, the fat cells surrounding the treatment area(s) still maintain the ability to expand with weight gain.  This is the reason that liposuction should not be considered a weight loss method, nor should patients use the procedure in place of a healthy diet and regular exercise routine.

To determine if you are a candidate for liposuction or a Band Aid Liposuction procedure, schedule a cosmetic consultation with Dr. LeRoy by contacting our office.  You can also stay informed of the latest plastic surgery news by connecting with Dr. LeRoy on Facebook, Twitter, and Google +.