How do I Get Rid of Loose Skin and Excess Fat Before Swimsuit Season?

If the thought of a beach vacation makes you want to shriek, not out of excitement but out of fear about having to dawn your swim suit, you’re not alone. In a recent poll on Dr. LeRoy’s Facebook page, 60% of respondents said that if they could change any one thing to prepare for warm weather dressing it would be addressing excess fat. 40% of the respondents polled said they would want to eliminate loose skin.Dr. John LeRoy Tummy Tuck Consultation Atlanta

Dr. LeRoy has several options available for patients seeking body contouring assistance, several of which may be performed in-office with minimal downtime. For those patients with very small, isolated areas of excess fat on the body, Dr. LeRoy offers Band Aid Liposuction. Completed simply with gentle-numbing, this mini lipo procedure is designed to effectively eliminate those trouble spots that just won’t respond to regular exercise and a healthy diet.

For patients with larger areas of excess fat, traditional liposuction may be required. Detailed in our blog on surgical vs. non-surgical body contouring, liposuction only requires tiny incisions into which a thin hollow cannula may be inserted to target the area(s) of concern. Most liposuction patients are able to return to their normal activities within a few days.

To achieve tighter skin on the body, Dr. LeRoy often recommends Band Aid Tummy tuck or traditional abdominoplasty procedures. Depending on the extent of sagging, traditional tummy tuck may be needed to retighten underlying muscles further contributing to the appearance of loose skin. For facial skin rejuvenation results you can see before spring break, Band Aid Laser Skin Resurfacing can help minimize mild to moderate signs of aging without the downtime of surgery.

For additional information on the body contouring and facial rejuvenation options available to fit your cosmetic needs, contact our office today. You can also connect with us on Twitter and Google+ to have your voice count in our next cosmetic poll!