A Look at the 2016 Plastic Surgery Statistics

Every plastic surgeon recognizes the trends in their own practice—the procedures that are most popular, the average ages of their patients, the number of men vs. women, etc. But each year, the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ASAPS) gathers statistics based on a survey that is distributed to around 30,000 board-certified physicians. These numbers help us to discover, on a national level, the changes within the plastic surgery field. The 2016 data has recently been published, and it offers us new insights into the way surgical and non-surgical cosmetic procedures are meeting the needs of patients throughout the country.

A Look at the 2016 Plastic Surgery StatisticsHere are a few of the takeaways from this year, especially those regarding my specialty area of facial rejuvenation:

  • Cosmetic medicine continues to grow in popularity.

Trends change every year, so some procedures are more or less popular than they were a few years ago, but overall the number of surgical and non-surgical cosmetic procedures has been growing. In fact, this year, Americans spent over $15 billion on aesthetic medical treatments for the first time since ASAPS began collecting data in 1997.

  • Non-surgical cosmetic treatments are increasing more quickly than surgeries are.

In the past year, the number of plastic surgeries in the US has increased by 3.5%, while the number of non-surgical procedures has increased by 7.3%. This may partially be because technology continues to improve non-surgical options, but it also shows that patients value convenience. I have seen this hold true within my own practice as well, with the number of patients who come in to ask about my minimally invasive Band Aid Mini Facelift and Band Aid Micro Mini Facelift as opposed to a traditional face lift.

  • Brow lifts are being replaced by other facial rejuvenation options.

Between 1997 and 2016, the national number of face lifts has risen by nearly 22%, and the number of eyelid surgeries has risen by over 9%. Brow lifts, on the other hand, have decreased by nearly 39%. In one of my recent blogs, I explained that I very rarely perform brow lifts today, because the results patients are looking for can generally be achieved in less invasive ways instead, and the data gathered by ASAPS demonstrates this strategy on a national level as well.

  • Over half of face lifts are performed for patients between the ages of 51 and 64.

While plastic surgeries overall had the largest numbers among patients between 35 and 50, face lifts are actually more popular among patients in their 50s and 60s. Even though most people begin to see early signs of aging in their early 30s, a true face lift isn’t necessary until the aging process reaches a certain level, so for patients in their 30s and 40s, less invasive procedures like injectables, laser treatments, non-surgical skin tightening, or even a mini facelift can keep wrinkles and sagging skin at bay.

As a plastic surgeon, studying cosmetic procedure statistics gives me a unique look into my future patients’ needs, goals, and priorities. And for potential patients, the information can help you gain perspective about the field and recognize that you are by no means alone in the desire to be your most confident and beautiful self. To discuss your surgical and non-surgical cosmetic options, schedule a consultation with me, Dr. John L. LeRoy. Or, for more unique plastic surgery facts and health tips, follow me on Facebook, Twitter, and Google+.