Getting the Size You Want from Breast Augmentation

Breast augmentation, like any cosmetic surgery, is really all about putting a patient into their comfort zone by giving them a body that feels like home to them. Of course there are a great many ways to do this depending on your specific cosmetic concerns. For a breast augmentation, obviously the goal is to make the breasts larger, but you don’t want to go too far and be uncomfortable with breasts that are too large, either. So as a patient, how do you make sure you’re getting an implant type and size that will truly help you be your most beautiful and confident self?

It ultimately boils down to choosing the right plastic surgeon and having an open and clear line of communication with them. As a board-certified plastic surgeon who has seen tremendous success in my patients’ breast enhancement satisfaction, I have been able to pinpoint the size and type of implant needed to give each patient the results she wants. To learn more, check out my video below.

Breast size can have a serious impact on any woman’s self-confidence and even her physical comfort and health, so finding that perfect size and shape is an important part of the process. To get started, schedule a breast surgery consultation with me, Dr. John L. LeRoy. For more helpful videos, answers to your cosmetic surgery questions, and health news, follow me on Facebook, Twitter, and Google+.