Questions to Ask Your Facelift Surgeon

If you’re planning a facelift (or any cosmetic surgery), you’ve probably heard over and over how important it is to choose the right plastic surgeon. Of course, this is easier said than done. While I’ve spent the past 24 years on the other side of the desk as a plastic surgeon, I’ve learned some of the most important questions a patient should ask during their pre-surgical consultation. The following is a starting point to guide you toward a more helpful and successful consultation.

Questions to Ask Your Facelift Surgeon

Questions about the Surgeon

  • What is your board certification?

You should look for a plastic surgeon who is board-certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery – the only plastic surgery or cosmetic surgery board recognized by the American Medical Association.

  • At which hospitals do you have admitting privileges?

When a hospital finds a plastic surgeon to be qualified, they will grant them admitting privileges, which means the surgeon can transfer you to the hospital for medical attention if needed. Not only is this an important safety measure, but it’s also a sign that the hospital has found the surgeon to be reputable.

  • What professional organizations are you a member of?

Organizations like the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery and the American Society of Plastic Surgeons only grant membership to qualified, experienced, well-trained surgeons, so this is another ideal criterion to look for.

  • How much experience do you have with facelifts (or whatever procedure you’re planning or considering)?

A surgeon could have twenty years of experience in plastic surgery, but if they’ve only done ten facelifts or they haven’t done a facelift in many years, it’s cause for concern.

  • How much training have you had?

While there is a minimum amount of time each surgeon has to spend in training programs, some surgeons go above and beyond with additional residencies or fellowships.

Questions about the Procedure

  • What type of surgical approach will you take?

With facelifts, there’s a large amount of variation from patient to patient. Personally, I developed a minimally invasive procedure called the Band Aid Mini Facelift which is performed in-office using general anesthesia, offering natural-looking results with half as much recovery time as a traditional facelift. However, I vary my facelifts and Band Aid Mini Facelifts for every patient based on their needs. Your surgeon should choose their approach based on the amount of improvement you’re looking for, the specific areas you want to address, your unique aging pattern, and other factors.

  • Where will my surgery be performed?

Depending on how extensive your surgery is, it may be performed in a surgical facility’s operating room or in your surgeon’s office. Regardless, find out more about the facility, its accreditations and licenses if applicable, and how well-equipped it is for the surgery.

  • What type of anesthesia will I have?

This goes along with your surgical approach. Traditional facelifts are typically done with general anesthesia, while mini facelifts are often done using local anesthesia so you’re conscious (with or without relaxation medication) but comfortable throughout the procedure. Regarding your health and your surgical process, there are pros and cons to each, so be sure to discuss all your options.

  • What happens if an emergency arises?

Emergencies during plastic surgery are extremely rare, but you need to make sure you know that this could be handled if it did happen.

  • How can I expect my results to look and when will I see them?

Surgery isn’t an instant cure-all – it takes time and healing for your results to appear, so make sure you know exactly what will be improved and what you should expect to see at each stage along the way.

  • What can I expect to experience during my recovery, and what will I need to do to ensure my best results?

You should have a clear picture of what your facelift recovery will be like, what complications to look for, and how to care for yourself and your incisions after surgery.

  • What are the possible risks and complications of my facelift, and what will happen if they occur?

Every surgery has risks, although the risks of a serious complication are very low with a facelift that is performed by an experienced, trained, and qualified surgeon. Still, you need to be informed all the possibilities.

There are many steps you can take toward getting the best possible results from your plastic surgery, and knowing what to ask in your consultation is just one of them. The list of questions above is a great starting point, but feel free to add any other questions you may have. If you’re ready to schedule your consultation with me, call my Atlanta plastic surgery office. For more tips for plastic surgery patients and helpful facts about the procedures, follow me on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and Google+.