Kate Gosselin’s Reported Botox Injections and the Importance of Selecting Experienced Surgeons

According to a recent story published in US Magazine, reality star and famed mom of twins and sextuplets, Kate Gosselin, has undergone dermal injections to smooth the wrinkles between her eyes.  Whether the 35 year old mother received Dysport® or Botox® is unclear; however, Gosselin gossipers and media have been clamoring over the now overly arched appearance of Gosselin’s brows.  The articles author speculates Kate’s injections were made in a “v” pattern between her eyes to minimize wrinkles while the area above her brows was left untreated causing the brow muscles to over-work and appear raised.

Atlanta Plastic Surgeon Dr. John LeRoy performs procedures of the face, breast, and body, but is well versed in dermal injections like the ones Gosselin is reported to have undergone.  Regardless of the media coverage and speculations, Dr. LeRoy stresses to patients the importance of a thorough consultation to avoid the cookie cutter approach some surgeons take with this type of procedure.

Dr. LeRoy shares, “Patients need to make sure their respective physician reviews their issues specifically.  While any plastic surgeon may know how to do the injections, it’s only those surgeons who take the time to analyze a patient’s repeated facial expressions and note their specific problem areas that deliver an enhanced, but not overly enhanced, dermal injection result.”

Dr. LeRoy works to enhance the natural beauty of every patient regardless of their procedure.  In addition to Botox® and Dysport®, he offers facelift, neck lift, and eyelid (blepharoplasty) procedures to address facial rejuvenation.  He has also originally developed a “Band Aid” line of cosmetic procedures which allow patients to rejuvenate the appearance of their faces through minimally-invasive, in-office procedures which utilize local anesthesia.  These mini-version procedures address the cosmetic issues of patients without producing an over-done look.  If you’re interested in scheduling a consultation with Dr. LeRoy visit his website of contact his office.