February Specials to Keep Your Band Aid Facelift in Tip-Top Shape

As a double board-certified plastic surgeon, one of the most common questions I hear from patients (especially those who are considering plastic surgery to help them look younger) is, “What’s the difference between your Band Aid Facelift and a traditional facelift?” The Band Aid Facelift is a procedure I developed nearly 20 years ago, and during this in-office surgery, I use minimally invasive techniques to provide a significant yet natural-looking reduction of sagging skin with gentle numbing, less scarring, and minimal downtime compared to a traditional facelift. Regardless of which option is best suited for your current needs, non-surgical treatments can both put the finishing touches on your results and help you look better for longer.

Plastic surgery discounts February 2016Band Aid Laser Skin Resurfacing

As one of the most versatile aesthetic treatments available, Band Aid Laser Skin Resurfacing can improve the appearance of age spots, wrinkles, facial scarring, and other surface imperfections. Staying true to the Band Aid name, this procedure is a new take on more traditional laser skin resurfacing and even the earlier versions of fractionated laser resurfacing because it uses tiny beams of laser light to create an all-over younger look while allowing for a significantly shorter and easier healing process. Because of its versatility, Band Aid Laser Skin Resurfacing is also a great option for a wide number of patients – those whose aging has not yet progressed far enough to justify a facelift, as well as those who have already had a facelift to lift sagging skin but who want to enhance or prolong their results with age spot removal and collagen rebuilding.

Latisse® Eyelash Enhancement

Your eyelashes are one of those seemingly small details which can have a surprisingly large impact on your overall appearance. While mascara can only do so much, Latisse® eyelash enhancement may be a more desirable option. Although your first step is to receive a prescription from a plastic surgeon like me or another type of doctor, you’ll be able to apply the topical solution from the comfort of home as a part of your nightly routine. By extending the length of the hairs’ growth cycles, Latisse® allows the lashes to grow longer, fuller, and darker. Especially for patients who have recently had surgery to improve the appearance of their eyes, longer and more flattering lashes can be the perfect way to accentuate your more youthful features.

While the many facial rejuvenation options (from injections to non-surgical procedures to minimally invasive or comprehensive surgeries) can feel overwhelming, I’m here to help. Schedule a consultation with me to discuss your needs and concerns and determine the best way for you to be your most confident and beautiful self. To stay up-to-date on our latest special offers, announcements, and plastic surgery news, join me on Facebook, Twitter, and Google+.