Weighing the benefits of non-surgical vs. surgical cosmetic treatment

There is no shortage of cosmetic treatments now-a-days.  From the mini facelift to take home exfoliation skin care products, the options for patients looking to rejuvenate their appearance runs the gamut. What’s not so widely publicized; however, is the importance of thoroughly reviewing all of the cosmetic surgery options or non-surgical treatments to ensure your prospective treatment really fits your needs.band aid procedures

As Dr. LeRoy has discussed in a previous blog comparing body contouring surgery vs. non-surgical treatments like CoolSculpting®, it’s important for patients to maintain realistic expectations about what is and isn’t possible with non-surgical and minimally invasive cosmetic procedures.  During your plastic surgery consultation, ask to review your surgeon’s previous plastic surgery before and after photos of similar procedures to ensure that the results he/she typically produces are in line with your goals.  Sometimes, even though a procedure may sound more convenient, it ends up producing results patients may not be as satisfied with and causes them to desire revisionary plastic surgery to further enhance their outcome.

It’s also important for patients to do their research and understand the technique behind the procedure to have a better idea of anticipated surgical requirements and downtime.  Using further description of the aforementioned liposuction vs. non-surgical fat reduction example:  during liposuction, Dr. LeRoy uses several small incisions (less than .5″ wide) to access isolated areas of diet and exercise resistant fat for removal via suction by a thin hollow tube known as a cannula.  Non-surgical fat reduction treatments like CoolSculpting® use topical application of extreme temperatures to “kill” fat cells and have them gradually expelled through the lymphatic system.

Though liposuction does require surgery, the technique is highly adaptable to essentially any area of the body whereas non-surgical techniques have specially fitted applicators only designed for specific problem areas such as the abdomen and flanks.  Conversely, the downtime associated with non-surgical and minimally invasive procedures like Band Aid Liposuction compared to traditional versions of the procedure are significantly shorter.

Open communication with your cosmetic surgeon is the best way to maximize satisfaction with your plastic surgery results.  Once he or she truly understands what you’re after, they may be able to provide you with additional options and mitigate any concerns.  To schedule your consultation with Dr. LeRoy to discuss your cosmetic treatment goals, contact his office today.  You can also stay abreast of the latest plastic and cosmetic surgery news by connecting with him on Facebook, Twitter, and Google+.