Common Misconceptions About Tummy Tucks

Excess fat in the abdominal area is notoriously stubborn and difficult to eliminate, even with a strong commitment of diet and exercise. Men and women both tend to experience more difficulty losing fat from the midsection as they get older, so creating tone and contours can often feel like an impossible challenge. Dr. John LeRoy performs a tummy tuck procedure to give each patient control over their look. To provide clear and reliable information, we want to clear up a few common misconceptions that surround this procedure.

tummy-tuck-surgery1.) Exercise and dieting consistently are just as effective as a tummy tuck.
There’s an a completely false notion that people who receive tummy tucks are unwilling to work for the body that they want. Due to pregnancy, age and varying metabolisms, many people can’t quite achieve the body they want with just diet and exercise alone. A tummy tuck doesn’t discredit any hard work a person has done to enhance their body.

2.) A Tummy Tuck is a weight loss solution.
A cosmetic procedure isn’t a substitute for a healthy lifestyle. Therefore, a tummy tuck shouldn’t be considered as an alternative to eating well and committing to a consistent exercise routine. Receiving a tummy tuck, dieting, and staying active at the same time gives you the best chance of looking and feeling great for many years to come.

3.) A Tummy Tuck can affect pregnancy.
Contrary to what some might believe, a tummy tuck won’t negatively affect the safety or success of a pregnancy. In actuality, a tummy tuck procedure is susceptible to the physical changes that occur during pregnancy. It’s often recommended that women wait until after they’re done having kids to receive this cosmetic procedure to ensure the positive results are preserved.

4.) Liposuction does the same thing as a Tummy Tuck.
Because a tummy tuck and liposuction both improve the midsection area, they can sometimes become confused with one another. Liposuction surgery is used to eliminate targeted fat deposits that will be suctioned from the body, creating improved tone and contours. Whereas, a Tummy Tuck is incredibly effective at removing loose skin and fat, repairing muscle separation, and developing a more firm and flat appearance. It’s the go-to cosmetic procedure for people after weight loss or pregnancy because of how well it reshapes the midsection.

The best way to determine if a Tummy Tuck is right for your own cosmetic needs is by scheduling an in-person consultation with double board-certified Dr. John LeRoy. If you have any questions or to schedule an appointment, call our office at 404.843.0840. Don’t forget to follow us on Facebook and Twitter for the latest information about plastic surgery procedures and our monthly cosmetic specials!