Thank You for a Wonderful 2016

It’s hard to believe another year is already wrapping up. As a double board-certified plastic surgeon, I am thrilled to spend every day fulfilling my passion and I’m honored to be able to help my patients become their most confident and beautiful selves. This year, we had plenty to celebrate at our cosmetic surgery office.

Thank You for a Wonderful 2016The Band Aid Micro Mini Facelift

I’ve been performing the Band Aid Facelift I developed for more than 20 years with great success. And while it generally takes around 8-10 years for a patient’s aging to catch up with their surgical results, I’ve found that many patients want a “touch-up” after three or four years to address the aging that has taken place since their surgery. To respond to this common request, this year I introduced the Band Aid Micro Mini Facelift. This procedure is essentially an even less invasive version of my Band Aid Facelift, and it involves half the recovery time and half the cost of the Band Aid Facelift as well. It’s an ideal way for patients to simply address their signs of aging as they arise in order to maintain a youthful yet natural look throughout the years.

Four Charity Contest Winners

If you’ve been following our practice on social media or if you subscribe to our plastic surgery newsletter, you probably know that each year, we host charity contests in order to identify non-profit organizations in Georgia who are providing a valuable service to the community. Our social media followers help us by nominating and voting for their favorite charities, and the winning organization receive a $1,000 donation to continue or expand their important work. This year, we were honored to make donations to four unique groups: The Mastocytosis Society (dedicated to helping patients with mastocytosis as well as their families), Little Nuggets Rescue (a pet rescue in Snellville), Remembering Ruthie Rescue (a pet rescue in Lawrenceville), and Calvary Children’s Home (a home for displaced children, primarily those who would otherwise be in foster care). We look forward to seeing the powerful impact all of these organizations continue to have on the community.

New Member of the Family

If you’re a current or former patient, you probably know and love our Surgical Coordinator Rebecca as much as we do. This year, Rebecca and her husband were thrilled to become parents to a beautiful baby girl. They’re all healthy and enjoying their transition to a family of three, and everyone is looking forward to getting to know our new member of the family!

It’s certainly been an exciting year at our plastic surgery office, and we have all of you to thank. It’s because of our valued patients and supporters that we’re able to continue serving the Atlanta community and even making medical innovations, and we wish everyone an outstanding 2017. If you want to learn more about our practice, give us a call or follow John L. LeRoy, MD, FACS, PC on Facebook, Twitter, and Google+.