Maintaining a Youthful Neck

We’ve got news for you: it may not only be your face that could benefit from some revitalizing attention. While wrinkles, fine lines, and other telltale signs of aging may be more apparent, the neck and décolleté area are not immune to discoloration, sagging, fatty deposits, or the feared “turkey neck.” Fortunately, board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. John LeRoy offers several procedures for reducing the signs of aging in less prominent, but equally important areas.

neck surgery in atlanta gaFor sagging skin, Dr. LeRoy practice offers a non-surgical approach with Band Aid Skin Tightening with Protégé technology to focus on deep dermal layers and reduce skin laxity without surgery. The treatment works to reduce lax skin and promote collagen production on the neck (as well as the face and chest) within a few short treatments. For an additional non-surgical approach that can improve plastic surgery results, you may want to try incorporating daily exercise into your anti-aging routine, which surges blood flow to the head and neck.  For example, certain yoga poses in yoga (such as downward dog and child’s pose) can help increase circulation, leading to a more youthful glow overall.

For long-lasting results, a combination of neck liposuction, skin tightening, and neck lifts are recommended procedures to tighten areas of the neck. With a neck lift, Dr. LeRoy can eliminate excess skin or tighten the underlying neck muscles to maximize the procedure’s rejuvenating effect. Through a few discrete, unnoticeable incisions, liposuction is used to remove fat and can slightly smooth and tighten lax skin along the jowls and under the chin in patients noticing the gravitational effects of aging. With this combination, years of aging can be reversed, providing the natural appearance of the neck contour often associated with youth.

To learn more about the cosmetic procedures performed by Dr. LeRoy, contact us to schedule your consultation.   Be sure to also connect with Dr. LeRoy on FacebookTwitter, and Google + for the latest plastic and cosmetic surgery news.