Erase Years Without Going Under the Knife: Non-Surgical Facial Rejuvenation

When patients think of plastic surgery they automatically think of surgical procedures.  The idea of going under the knife can be intimidating to some but the good news is that you can turn back the hands of time and get younger-looking skin without going the surgical route just yet.  By now, we all know that signs of aging are inevitable.  As a double board-certified plastic surgeon, my patients are often pleasantly surprised to know that I offer non-surgical facial rejuvenation procedures that help slow down your progress of facial aging and renew a youthful vitality.

side by side agingResurface: Band Aid Laser Skin Resurfacing treatments are your solution for repairing surface damage of the skin.  Sun spots, wrinkles, acne and facial scarring can be a thing of the past with DOT laser therapy.  Fractional laser skin resurfacing works by emitting laser light that penetrates deep within the skin to jump start your collagen production and as you heal, produces tighter, smoother skin.  The advanced technology of the laser skin resurfacing lets your treatments be customized to target your specific areas of concern thus making treatment most effective for you.

Tighten: Our most recent office addition, Band Aid Skin Tightening using Protégé technology, has been a hit among patients wanting a procedure with no downtime or anesthesia required.  Protégé’s unique Energy Flow Control (EFC) system targets wrinkles, lax skin on the face, neck and chest and does just the right amount of tightening to reveal safe and noticeable (but not too noticeable) results.  Warming the deeper layers of the skin, Protégé skin tightening precisely combines heat and targeted energy to painlessly firm the appearance of sagging skin by stimulating new collagen production.  You’ll not only see immediate results after your first treatment, but full results will continue to reveal itself in just a few short months thereafter.

Erase: Just as an eraser removes pencil mistakes on paper, injectables are the wrinkle-eraser for the face.  With 8.5 million performed procedures reported by the American Society of Plastic Surgeons in 2013, cosmetic injectables continue to be among the top two most popular minimally-invasive procedures among facial rejuvenation patients.  Whether treating frown lines or crow’s feet with Botox® or Dysport® or wanting to plump sunken cheeks or thin lips with facial fillers like Restylane® or Juvéderm® Volumaâ„¢, there’s an injectable for everyone.  Men and women both enjoy injectables because the treatment times are only 10-15 minutes and you’re back to your regular routine immediately after a procedure.  Injectable results range from 4-12 months depending on the type you choose so treatments must be repeated regularly for maintenance.

When considering any sort of facial rejuvenation procedure the first step you should take is to contact a trusted surgeon who is skilled and experienced in the procedure you’re interested in.  Even if you aren’t sure what you’d like to have done, meeting for a consultation is a great time to voice your concerns and start the dialogue needed to plan the best procedure to meet your realistic expectation.  To learn more about skin tightening or any of the procedures I perform, contact my office today.  You can also learn more about minimally-invasive procedures by connecting with me, Dr. John L. LeRoy, on Facebook, Twitter, and Google +.