Liposuction vs. Non-Surgical Fat Reduction Injections for the “Double Chin”

Researchers in the field of cosmetic medicine have created so many new products, treatments and techniques lately that it’s challenging to even keep up. For a patient, this seems like a dream come true because there are a variety of choices to treat nearly any cosmetic concern. However, it’s important not to get swept up in the excitement of all the new developments. One procedure I often hear questions about is Kybella®, a non-surgical alternative to liposuction for the “double chin.” Today, I’m discussing the procedure in more detail and examining how it compares to liposuction.

Liposuction vs. Non-Surgical Fat Reduction Injections for the Fat Reduction Injections vs. Liposuction: How Do They Work?

Both of these treatments are rather simple. During liposuction, I use a small, narrow tube to break up and remove unwanted fat from precise areas, contouring the area based on your desired results. The surgery only requires a few tiny incisions. In some cases (and for most of my patients who are receiving liposuction for the “double chin”), I can perform the procedure in-office using gentle numbing rather than local anesthesia, which dramatically reduces the recovery time as well as the cost.

Kybella® injections, on the other hand, use a material called deoxycholic acid. Deoxycholic acid is a natural substance your body uses to digest dietary fats. When it’s injected into stored fat (like excess fat under your chin), it breaks down a percentage of the fat cells and allows your body to remove them over the course of several weeks. Ultimately, this reduces the fat in the area for a slimmer look. There are other non-surgical fat reduction treatments as well, and while they each use different methods, they all find ways to break down a certain percentage of fat cells and wait for your body to gradually remove them.

Why I Choose Only Liposuction in My Plastic Surgery Practice

The primary advantage that attracts patients to Kybella® is that it’s non-surgical. Most people assume that there is a dramatic difference between the experience they’ll have with a non-surgical series of injections compared to a surgery. However, based on my 24 years as a double board-certified plastic surgeon, I stand behind liposuction for a number of reasons.

Non-surgical fat reduction does reduce the overall amount of fat in the area, but the results vary from patient to patient. Liposuction produces much more predictable results because a knowledgeable, experienced surgeon has the ability to directly control which fat cells are removed and to contour the area strategically.

Another issue few patients consider is how long it takes to see results from non-surgical methods. Kybella® and other non-surgical fat reduction treatments rely on your body’s natural healing process to remove the fat, so it can take several weeks or months before the full results are visible. It’s also important to note that for many patients, the skin of the “double chin” doesn’t retract fully after the fat is reduced, leaving some sagging skin. This means that you may need cosmetic surgery regardless to get the results you want, and if you choose liposuction instead, the liposuction and skin lift can be performed at the same time.

Finally, few patients realize how brief and mild the recovery from liposuction under the chin actually is. Most of my patients who want to treat this area are candidates for my Band Aid Liposuction – the unique in-office surgery I developed. Patients are typically back to work just a few days after this procedure.

New advancements in medicine and technology have allowed countless patients to achieve the look they want with less recovery time. But it’s important to remember that “new” isn’t always “better.” Ultimately, my goal is to give every patient the best way to achieve the look they want and become their most confident, beautiful self, and this is why I stand behind surgical liposuction. To find out if you’re a candidate, schedule a liposuction consultation with me, Dr. John L. LeRoy. For more helpful cosmetic surgery information, follow me on Facebook, Twitter, and Google+.