Dr. LeRoy Adds Exparel® Pain Management to Patient Care Routine

Since 1997, Dr. John LeRoy has been perfecting his minimally invasive plastic surgery techniques to produce natural looking plastic surgery results without the downtime associated with traditional surgical techniques.  During his twenty years of Atlanta plastic surgery practice, Dr. LeRoy has grown to understand that patients appreciate anything their plastic surgeon can do to minimize life interruptions from plastic surgery.

With that understanding, Dr. LeRoy recently added Exparel® pain management to his post plastic surgery care routine.  Unique in its ability to provide up to 72 hours of post operative pain relief, Dr. LeRoy injects the solution into the surgical site at the end of the procedure.  This specialized delivery allows Dr. LeRoy to treat multiple layers of tissue for comprehensive pain relief after facial plastic surgery as well as procedures of the breast and body contouring.  The amount of Exparel® analgesic administered is calculated based on the size of incision and the type of surgery performed.

Designed as an alternative to the popular pain patch post-surgery system, Exparel®’s targeted treatment is also useful in minimizing the amount of additional pain medicine necessary during plastic surgery recovery in some patients.  To learn more about the plastic surgery technology Dr. LeRoy employs stay tuned to his blog and connect with him on Facebook and Twitter.