Your Guide to Plastic Surgery after Dramatic Weight Loss

Every patient has his or her own unique reasons for seeking plastic surgery. For many, it’s to reverse the effect aging has slowly had on their appearance. For others, it’s to finally give themselves the gift of correcting an issue they’ve struggled with for years, like a bump on their nose or asymmetrical breasts. But there is a select group of plastic surgery patients whose goal is to finish a journey toward improved health and confidence they’ve been working on for months or years: post-weight loss patients. For these dedicated individuals who have lost extensive amounts of weight, excess sagging skin can sour their victory by leaving them with discomfort and a less desirable appearance than they had envisioned. Fortunately, cosmetic surgery offers a variety of options for many areas of the face and body.

Your Guide to Plastic Surgery after Dramatic Weight LossNeck Lift

While most patients associate a neck lift with facial rejuvenation, the procedure can also be an effective way to repair the sagging skin left behind after excess fat under the chin has been eliminated. This lax skin can make you look larger than you are, even after you’ve reached your goal weight, so a neck lift can help you look both thinner and younger.

Arm Lift or Band Aid Arm Lift

Aging alone can cause the skin below the upper arm to sag, but weight fluctuations can accelerate and exacerbate the process. The decision between a traditional arm lift (or brachioplasty) and Band Aid Brachioplasty will depend on the degree of excess skin you have, but in both cases, the incisions are made as discretely as possible based on your specific needs.

Breast Lift or Male Breast Reduction

The chest area (for both men and women) is not immune from skin laxity. For women, the result is often breasts that are lower than the patient wishes they would be, and in this case, a breast lift can return them to a more youthful position. For men, excess tissue can create the appearance of breasts, and this concern can typically be addressed with a male breast reduction, which removes the unnecessary skin and breast tissue for a more contoured chest.

Tummy Tuck or Band Aid Tummy Tuck

One of the most popular post-weight loss plastic surgeries is the tummy tuck, which removes loose skin from the abdominal area and, if necessary, also repairs separated abdominal muscles and reduces excess fat. For those who have a smaller amount of unwanted skin, my Band Aid Tummy Tuck may be the best option. Like the other Band Aid procedures I’ve developed, this surgery is minimally-invasive, and can be performed with gentle numbing in my comfortable office setting, resulting in significantly less recovery time and scarring.

Liposuction or Band Aid Liposuction

While it may seem strange to discuss surgical fat removal for patients who have just finished losing a large amount of fat, some patients find themselves with stubborn areas which simply will not respond to diet and exercise. In these situations, either traditional liposuction or Band Aid Liposuction (depending on the amount of fat to be removed) can be the perfect finishing touch for weight loss patients to give them the aesthetic contours they’ve been looking for.

As a board-certified plastic surgeon, my goal is to help every patient be their most confident and beautiful self, whether that means restoring a more youthful facial appearance or giving them newly-defined body contours. If you’re ready to make 2016 the year you’re truly happy with your look, schedule a consultation with me, Dr. John L. LeRoy. Or, to stay up-to-date on the latest plastic surgery news, special offers, and other helpful information, follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Google+.