How Young Patients Can Approach Anti-Aging Procedures

The landscape of plastic surgery is changing. More patients are beginning to take measures to protect their cosmetic features at a younger age. In the past, people might have thought that plastic surgery was only necessary once they began to see physical signs of aging. This line of thinking has been disproven by the many patients who have decided to start cosmetic procedures earlier on in life. To give you insight into the benefits of anti-aging procedures at a younger age, Dr. John LeRoy will explain how to take this route to preserve or enhance your look.

How Young Patients Can Approach Anti-Aging ProceduresProtecting your skin

If you’re in your late 20s or 30s, it’s important to think about the future of your complexion. Skin changes over time and loses elasticity and firmness. As Benjamin Franklin said, “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” This also applies to skin protection. Preventing sun damage is much easier than repairing it. Using SPF 30 sunscreen and protective clothing can prevent premature aging. Especially if you want to retain the results after your cosmetic procedures, you should begin to practice ways to protect your skin from harm. 

Botox® and Dysport® Injections

After years of facial expressions, defined lines begin to appear in areas that have undergone repeated muscle activity. Crow’s feet, forehead creases and vertical lines between the eyebrows can often show up at a younger age. Patients don’t have to wait decades until they seek out treatment from Dr. John LeRoy. Botox® and Dysport® are cosmetic injectables that specialize in safe wrinkle reduction for natural and consistent results. In addition, both treatments are nonsurgical, so they don’t require a lengthy recovery process that can potentially interrupt your busy schedule.

Band Aid Laser Resurfacing and Skin Tightening with Protégé

Skin blemishes that appear due to aging can make people feel powerless. Dr. John LeRoy wants to help each patient take their power back by providing his signature Band Aid Laser Resurfacing and Skin Tightening with Protégé. These procedures focus on different aspects of the face, but they both offer a more incremental approach to facial rejuvenation. A Band Aid Laser Skin Resurfacing procedure utilizes DOT laser therapy to tighten lax skin, rebuild collagen, and reveal a younger complexion while reducing the visibility of hyperpigmentation. It works exceptionally well for patients who have sun damage or wrinkles. His Band Aid Skin Tightening with Protégé stimulates collagen production for skin that has begun to lose its youthfulness. There is zero downtime associated with this procedure and the results look natural while complementing other physical features.

It’s crucial to schedule an in-person consultation with Dr. John LeRoy to find out which procedure is best for your cosmetic needs. If you have any questions or to schedule your appointment, contact our office at 404.843.0840. Don’t forget to follow us on Facebook and Twitter for more plastic surgery information and updates on our monthly cosmetic specials!