What You Need to Know About Plastic Surgery After Weight Loss

How Much Does a Facelift CostLosing weight is a commitment that requires strict discipline and a strong will. The consistent dieting and exercise are notoriously difficult, so it’s truly a great accomplishment to shed extra weight. However, an unintended side effect of rapidly losing weight is excess skin. This can sometimes be the last issue that needs correcting before people are completely comfortable and secure with their new bodies. Dr. John LeRoy performs an array of plastic surgery procedures that tighten the skin to give patients their desired slim, contoured look.

Why does weight loss affect the surrounding skin?

Your skin is the last line of defense against the outside world. It’s designed to be adaptable and durable to protect important bodily systems that work underneath it. So, when a person gains fat tissue in concentrated areas, skin stretches to compensate. This damages the collagen and elastin fibers that control its tightness and elasticity. When that underlying tissues suddenly gets a lot smaller, the skin can’t always shrink quickly enough to keep up, so it looks wrinkled and saggy.

There are many factors that determine the amount of skin sagging after weight loss. Some of these include the duration of time an individual was overweight in addition to their age, how much weight they’ve lost, and their genetics.

How can plastic surgery help people who’ve just experienced weight loss?

Each person holds and loses weight in different ways. After sudden weight loss, skin can sag around the arms, midsection, and neck. Dr. John LeRoy performs several cosmetic procedures that are specialized for tightening or removing problematic skin.

An arm lift focuses on the underside of the upper arm that is susceptible to sagging. It effectively removes the patient’s excess skin while tightening and toning the underlying muscle. For more subtle or refined results, we offer a Band Aid Arm Lift that has a reduced recovery time and cost compared to traditional arm lift surgery.

Fat on the midsection is infamously stubborn to get rid of. Once it’s finally gone, excess skin can take its place as a frustration. As a solution to this issue, patients can select a tummy tuck procedure, which safely eliminates the skin and remaining fat. Dr. John LeRoy also offers a Band Aid Tummy Tuck for smaller areas.

Some patients prefer to attain great cosmetic results without surgery. Our nonsurgical Band Aid Skin Tightening with Protege firms skin on the face, neck, and chest. It incorporates an advanced system that increases the body’s ability to produce collagen for younger, refreshed skin.

Weight loss can cause some unintended consequences on breast contour for both men and women. Even after losing weight through diet or exercise, many people still have remaining skin and fat that prevents them from achieving their desired physical form. As a solution, Dr. John LeRoy performs breast reductions and breast lifts to safely improve the shape and size of breast tissue.

With these specialized methods of improving your appearance after weight loss, Dr. John LeRoy can help you look and feel your best. If you have any questions about these cosmetic procedures, call our office at 404-843-0840. Don’t forget to follow us on Facebook and Twitter for information about our various plastic surgery procedures and updates on cosmetic specials.