What do Lasers and Collagen Production have in Common?

female-checks-neck-in-mirrorI’m sure you’ve heard over the years that collagen loss is one of the biggest culprits behind aging.  As we age, our collagen production lessens, leading to fine lines, wrinkles, and volume loss.  But what exactly is collagen, and is there a way to stimulate its production as we age?

How Collagen Loss Affects the Aging Process:

Collagen is the most abundant protein produced by your body, acting as the glue that holds things together.  Besides aging, certain lifestyle habits such as smoking, excess UV exposure, and consuming too much sugar also expedite its loss.  The protein that was once a tightly knit network of fibers becomes an unorganized maze lacking thickness and strength.  This is when we see wrinkles and sagging skin appear.  But what if there was a way to strengthen existing collagen and stimulate new production to improve these signs of aging?

How Band Aid Laser Skin Resurfacing Encourages Collagen Production:

Lasers have proven to be an excellent treatment for stimulating collagen production.  With my Band Aid Laser Skin Resurfacing treatment, I can repair surface damage and encourage new collagen production in the skin.  This works through a C02 fractionated laser technology called DOT Laser Therapy.

DOT Laser Therapy works by generating tiny beams of laser light.  Those light beams perforate the skin and create microscopic dots on the face.  Your body then works to heal the resurfaced skin, which causes new collagen and cell production.  When the skin is fully healed, you will be left with a smoother complexion, tighter skin, and a reduction in fine lines, wrinkles, scars, and other surface damage.

What Makes Band Aid Laser Skin Resurfacing Unique?

A few unique features set my Band Aid Laser Skin Resurfacing treatment apart from other laser treatments.  When DOT Laser Therapy penetrates the dermis, it creates thousands of microscopic perforations in a circular shape.  Earlier lasers would create a square shape, leaving the patient with a distinct line of demarcation around the treatment area.  That isn’t the case with DOT laser therapy, and the patient is left with a natural-looking result.

Another great feature of DOT Laser Therapy is that I can adjust settings during the treatment process.  This allows me to customize the treatment for each patient and focus on their specific needs and areas of concern.  As with my other Band Aid procedures, I perform this treatment in-office using gentle numbing.

We can’t stop the aging process, but we can slow it down.  Advancements in technology, especially laser technology, stay in demand among all age groups due to their proven results.  If you are considering laser resurfacing, schedule a consultation with me, Dr. John LeRoy.  I would be happy to discuss my Band Aid Laser Skin Resurfacing treatment in greater detail and address any questions you may have.  For more information about my practice and my line of Band Aid procedures, follow me on Facebook.