Five Ways to Improve Your Band Aid Mini Facelift Results

Combining Facial Liposuction with a Facelift

After your Band Aid Mini Facelift procedure, the way you spend your recovery period can greatly impact the quality of your final results. It’s tempting to relax your care routine and healthy habits as soon as your procedure is over, but following post-procedure instructions is essential for a healthy and effective plastic surgery healing process. To help keep you informed, I have laid out five common guidelines you should follow in order to enjoy the best results and smoothest recovery after your surgery.

#1: Drink Clear Liquids

In the 24 hours after surgery, it is important that you only drink clear liquids excluding clear alcohols and clear sodas. Staying hydrated will help aid your body in the recovery process. Even after the 24 hours are up, it is still highly recommended that you stick to drinking water and avoid beverages that could dehydrate you such as coffee, alcohol or soda.

#2: Limit Sun Exposure

Sun exposure can hinder your results and potentially harm your skin while you are recovering. It is best to stay indoors for your entire recovery period. However, if you have to go outside, you should keep your time outdoors brief and wear protective coverings such as a wide-brimmed hat and sunglasses to protect yourself.

#3: Adjust Your Sleeping Position

The position you sleep in every night can greatly affect your healing process. Because your angle can impact your incisions and swelling, I recommend that you keep your head above your heart at all times and sleep at a 30- to 45-degree angle every night. To help you maintain your position, you can try sleeping in a comfortable reclining chair or buying a wedge pillow to use in bed.

#4: Avoid Vigorous Exercise

During your Band Aid Mini Facelift recovery period, you should aim to do as little physical activity as possible other than gently walking around every few hours to maintain healthy circulation. Constant movement or strain can cause an increase in swelling and lead to possible complications. It is best to avoid strenuous exercise altogether and slowly begin to ease yourself back into your workout routine based on your plastic surgeon’s recommendations.

#5: Avoid Wearing Makeup

Applying makeup during the recovery period is highly discouraged because it can interfere with your face’s healing process. These products can irritate the skin and possibly infect your incisions. You should wait a minimum of 10 days before using any type of makeup product.

You should always aim to follow post-procedure instructions and take your recovery process seriously. To learn more about the facelift recovery process or my wide range of Band Aid procedures, schedule a consultation with me, double board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. John L. LeRoy in Atlanta today. Additionally, make sure to follow me on Facebook, Twitter and YouTube for more plastic and cosmetic surgery insights.