How Do I Know if I Need a Brow Lift or Eyelid Surgery?

Many forms of facial aging don’t simply make us look older, but also make us look more tired or unhappy. In the case of patients who have aging throughout the upper third of their faces, this is often their true concern. Between sagging skin, forehead lines, and other signs of aging, they may look like they’re either unfriendly or exhausted, even when they’re feeling cheerful and energetic. For this reason, patients often ask me, are these problems better treated with a brow lift or eyelid surgery?

Most patients think they can kill two birds with one stone by getting a brow lift, because it can make their eyes look more open while also rejuvenating their forehead. The problem, though, is that patients underestimate the difference between the severity of a brow lift and an eyelid lift. To learn about the approach I typically take to give patients the best balance between results and recovery time, check out my recent video below:

Every plastic surgery patient would love to just fast forward to their results, but the path to your best results starts long before your surgery. The first step is to find a board-certified plastic surgeon you can trust and identify the ideal procedure to fit your needs. To get started on this journey, schedule a consultation with me, Dr. John LeRoy in Atlanta. For more plastic surgery tip, informational videos, and more, follow me on Facebook, Twitter, and Google+.