How do I know if Breast Augmentation is Right for me?

How do I know if Breast Augmentation is Right for me?

atlanta breast implantsThere is no question that a woman’s breasts are intimately connected with her sense of femininity; therefore, the decision to undergo breast augmentation is not one that should be made without careful thought and collaboration with your board certified plastic surgeon.  For all of my Atlanta breast enhancement patients, the decision to pursue cosmetic breast surgery begins with a conversation.

My first question to prospective breast augmentation patients is what their cosmetic goals are; do they want a change in their breast size, shape, position, or several of these things?  It’s also important to know if they’ve had any previous breast surgery as the presence of scar tissue can be an issue for breast revision patients.  By discussing these topics and allowing the patient to explain their surgical goals, we’re ensuring that patients will know what to expect from the breast procedure(s) they select.

Breast augmentation, or the surgical insertion of a saline or silicone filled breast implant, is designed to increase breast volume in patients with inadequate breast tissue or those who’ve lost volume with age.  Breast augmentation may be performed using one of several incision techniques based on the type of implant selected, the presence of existing scar tissue, and the patient’s preference.

For patients who are researching breast augmentation to restore more youthful looking breasts, breast lift surgery is often performed at the same time as breast augmentation to restore the breasts to a higher, more youthful position on the chest.  Both breast surgeries must be performed by a board certified plastic surgeon.  Although there are those who offer awake breast augmentation, I only perform breast enhancement under in a hospital with the assistance of a qualified anesthesiologist and surgical team for patient safety.

To learn more about the other cosmetic breast surgery options I offer, visit my website or contact my office.  You can also connect with me on Facebook, Twitter, and Google+ for the latest cosmetic surgery news.