What is ‘Baby Botox®’?

There is never a shortage of sensational information in the media about plastic surgery.  If you’ve seen the headlines about “baby Botox®” and have commenced with eye rolling, it’s not as crazy as it may sound.  This new term is actually used to denote the new trend of patients younger than the traditional demographic receiving the wrinkle injectables as a means of maintenance in smaller than normal doses.   As we’ve discussed on our blog before, the rate at which individuals age is unique to every patient as is the recommended age to receive a specific procedure.

Much like the Band Aid Facelift, developed for patients who didn’t yet require the rejuvenation of a traditional facelift, baby Botox® is a customized version of the ever-popular injectable for those patients just beginning to notice the signs of aging around and between the eyes and along the forehead.  Like Band Aid Facelift results, the results of baby Botox® are less dramatic than the traditional, full-dose of the muscle relaxing treatment.  Because the amount of botulinum injected during the treatment is smaller, the results are more temporary than the 4-6 months of a full dose.

Injectables like Botox® and Dysport® are responded to differently by every patient, so it’s important to discuss potential anti-aging treatment (injectables included) with your board certified plastic surgeon during a consultation.  By openly discussing your cosmetic goals with your provider, you further minimize the risk of plastic surgery or cosmetic treatment complications and increase the chance of being satisfied with your plastic surgery results.

Learn more about the facial plastic surgery and non-surgical wrinkle treatments Dr. John LeRoy performs by visiting his website and continuing to read his blog.  You can also connect with Dr. LeRoy on Facebook and Twitter for plastic surgery news and specials.