November Specials to Add “Beautiful Skin” to the List of Things You’re Thankful For

The many holidays of fall and winter can be great opportunities to spend time with family and friends, but there’s no denying that the season comes with its stresses, too. After all, we’ve just finished Halloween, and it’s already time to start planning menus, decorations, and/or travel arrangements for Thanksgiving. If you’re on a tight schedule but still want to look your best for the holiday season, our November special offers on non-surgical treatments can help you get a younger look with little or no downtime.

Plastic surgery discounts in atlanta Band Aid Laser Skin Resurfacing

For many of my patients, one of the most frustrating parts of aging is that it affects their appearance in so many ways – the face loses volume, wrinkles form, the skin becomes less firm, and age spots appear. That’s why Band Aid Laser Skin Resurfacing is so popular – because it addresses multiple aging-related concerns at once. Also known as DOT laser therapy, the procedure uses a precise laser to send tiny columns of laser light into your skin, which creates comprehensive results by helping the skin grow firmer, brighter, and more youthful while minimizing age spots, wrinkles, and even acne scars. Plus, leaving space between these tiny columns of light means you’ll need significantly less recovery time than earlier, more traditional laser treatments require.

Band Aid Skin Tightening

If your primary concern is the firmness of your skin, Band Aid Skin Tightening is another non-surgical way to look younger, typically with no downtime. This procedure uses the Protégé system to send controlled warmth to precise layers of the skin. The heat used during Band Aid Skin Tightening boosts your body’s production of collagen – a naturally-occurring component that gives our skin youthful firmness and elasticity.  While several treatments are typically needed, your results will continue to improve for weeks after your last session, and can last up to two years for many patients, so this procedure is also a great fit for those who want to refresh the results of a previous facelift.

Whether you’re hosting your family gathering or you’re traveling this Thanksgiving, remember to take time out for yourself during this busy time. To learn more or to start the journey toward becoming your most confident and beautiful self, schedule a consultation with Dr. John LeRoy. Or, to stay up-to-date with our latest special offers and helpful information, follow Dr. LeRoy on Facebook, Twitter, or Google+.