A Procedure for Every Sign of Aging
There are a lot more factors affecting your facial aging besides the number of candles on your birthday cake. Genetics play a role, as do your lifestyle choices (smoking, sun protection, etc.), stress, and even weight fluctuations in some cases. Fortunately, there are varying plastic surgeries for your unique signs of aging, and many of them are also available as minimally invasive Band Aid procedures I’ve developed over the past twenty years.
For lax skin among your cheeks, jawline, or other areas of the lower to mid-face: Band Aid Facelift
The traditional facelift is a highly popular surgery which can restore firmness to aging skin along the jowls and throughout the mid-face, but it can be an extensive procedure with significant recovery time. For patients who are in the earlier stages of aging, my Band Aid Facelift is an in-office procedures which uses gentle numbing, minimally invasive techniques, and smaller incisions to provide natural-looking results with less downtime, less bruising and swelling, a lower cost, and smaller scars.
For bags under the eyes or sagging skin above the eyelids: Band Aid Eyelid Surgery
Blepharoplasty, also known as an eyelid lift can be performed on the upper eyelids (to remove sagging skin which has given the eyelids a “hooded” appearance), the lower eyelids (to reduce “bags under the eyes” by removing fat deposits and restoring firmer skin), or both. For patients who need a milder improvement, this surgery can often be performed as a minimally invasive Band Aid procedure.
For deep forehead creases and a sagging brow line: Band Aid Brow Lift
The Band Aid Brow Lift, as one would assume, focuses on the area around and above the eyebrows. By removing excess skin for patients whose brow line has become lax and lower with age, this procedure can be significantly easier to fit into your schedule than a more traditional brow lift. Depending on your needs, I can also reposition the underlying muscles which have become tense and created forehead creases after years of facial expressions.
While the procedures above can be ideal options for someone who wants surgical-quality results without the downtime of a traditional plastic surgery, others with earlier signs of aging (like crow’s feet, fine lines, and milder wrinkles) may be a better fit for non-surgical methods like Botox® or Dysport® injections, facial fillers, Band Aid Laser Skin Resurfacing, or Band Aid Skin Tightening. To discuss your best options for restoring an appearance you can feel confident in, schedule a consultation with me, Dr. John LeRoy. Or, for more tips and information about cosmetic surgery, follow me on Facebook, Twitter, and Google+.