Before and After Your Liposuction Procedure

Plastic surgery can often be a personal journey of transformation. Patients have the freedom to safely modify their look to become the best versions of themselves. Liposuction, a popular body procedure, is a trusted method for getting rid of excess fat to transform a person’s image. Dr. John LeRoy has helped many patients of all different ages and body types achieve their dream bodies through both traditional liposuction and his Band Aid liposuction. We want to walk our readers through the changes that take place during a liposuction procedure, so they can decide if this is the right option for them.  

Common Myths about LiposuctionWhat makes someone a good candidate for liposuction?

Before we dive into what makes someone a good candidate for liposuction, it’s important to note that this procedure is not a substitute for a healthy diet and exercise. According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, a liposuction patient should be within 30% of their goal weight at the time of their procedure. A liposuction procedure is intended for people who have stubborn areas of fat that are resistant to consistent diet and exercise. An in-person consultation with Dr. John LeRoy is the best way to determine if this procedure is a good fit. A personalized consultation creates an opportunity for patients to explain their goals for a liposuction procedure and ask any relevant questions.  

The many benefits of a liposuction or Band Aid liposuction procedure

The goal of a liposuction procedure is to remove the unwanted fat that is resistant to a healthy lifestyle. Each patient has a choice between a traditional liposuction and Band Aid liposuction. For people who have smaller quantities of stubborn fat, a Band Aid liposuction is a great option. Additional benefits of this procedure include a lower cost and recovery time. As an added perk, it’s performed in-office with gentle numbing.

Both types of liposuction that Dr. LeRoy performs can target numerous areas of fat on the body to create a more slim and contoured appearance. The following is a list of features that can be benefited by a traditional or Band Aid liposuction.

  • Arms
  • Legs
  • Abdomen
  • Love Handles (Flanks)
  • Thighs
  • Hips
  • Back
  • Around the bra line

Recovery after a liposuction procedure

The full duration of a patient’s recovery time is unique to how much fat was removed, their age, and how well they follow post-op instructions. Dr. John LeRoy will review all pertinent details about recovery during your appointment to ensure that you fully understand how to safely maintain your results. The full extent of your positive changes will appear 1-3 months after a liposuction procedure—and in even less time for a Band Aid liposuction.

If you have any questions about a liposuction or Band Aid liposuction procedure, contact our office by calling 404.843.0840. Don’t forget to follow Dr. John LeRoy on Facebook and Twitter to receive updates on plastic surgery procedures and our monthly cosmetic specials.