What Can Breast Augmentation Accomplish?

After the American Society of Plastic Surgery conducted their most recent yearly survey of cosmetic procedures, breast augmentation was clearly the most popular cosmetic surgery. Dr. John LeRoy has been performing it for over two decades, tailoring the procedure to each patient’s unique needs and preferences. To give you a better look into breast augmentation’s capabilities, we’re explaining the many improvements that it can accomplish.

what can a boob job accomplishAm I a good candidate for breast augmentation?

The high popularity of breast augmentation might not mean much to you if it doesn’t address your specific concerns. The best way we can help you determine if you’re a good candidate is by explaining what it does. Breast augmentation can potentially add volume, fullness and contours to your breasts. There’s no specific age demographic that is the most fitting for this cosmetic procedure, but it’s most effective for women who aren’t planning on having any more children because pregnancy can affect the results.

Each patient has their own reasons for wanting a breast augmentation. However, it can be difficult to determine the best implants and technology for your needs. That’s why an in-person consultation with Dr. John LeRoy is so valuable. He is skilled at listening to a patient’s concerns and then developing an organized plan to attain their desired results. The following is a list of common reasons for a breast augmentation.

  • Patients are dissatisfied with current breast size
  • Patients have undergone a loss of breast size/volume after their pregnancy
  • Patients have breasts that aren’t symmetrical

Options with breast augmentation

Most importantly, the results attained from a breast augmentation must match the patient’s physical frame and body proportions. The primary focus is on creating a natural balance between physical features. A breast augmentation should enhance size, volume or contours, but still match the patient’s body frame to maintain a subtle look.

There are different varieties of breast implants that cater to many cosmetic goals. During your in-person breast augmentation consultation, Dr. John LeRoy will go over the best options for your personal needs to help you understand what can be accomplished with breast augmentation. Patients can choose between saline or silicone implants. Each type has its own benefits.

A breast augmentation typically takes about one to two hours to complete in-office under general anesthesia. Patients can return to their normal daily routines after five to seven days after the procedure.

Breast augmentation give you more freedom to choose how your breasts looks, no matter your age. For more information or to schedule an in-person consultation with Dr. John LeRoy, call our office at 404.843.0840. Don’t forget to follow us on Facebook and Twitter for more information about cosmetic techniques and updates on our monthly specials.