More Frequently Asked Questions about Breast Enhancement Surgery

More Frequently Asked Questions about Breast Enhancement SurgeryHow do I choose between silicone and saline breast implants?

The type of breast implant you select for breast augmentation truly is a matter of personal preference.  Surgically speaking, both saline breast implants and silicone breast implants are safe. It’s important to speak with your prospective plastic surgeon before breast enhancement surgery not only about the type of breast implant, but also about the shape and size as those factors will also heavily influence your overall breast surgery results.  Many plastic surgeons will allow you to “try on” the different types and sizes of implants during consultation to get an idea of consistency, shape, and weight.

Do breast implants change how often I should receive mammograms?

Breast enhancement patients should receive a mammogram before their surgery to serve as a benchmark to compare post-surgery mammograms.  According to current U.S. Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) guidelines, women over the age of 50 should receive mammograms as directed by their physician (typically every two years) (The National Cancer Institute recommends: Women 40 years and older should get a mammogram every 1 to 2 years).  If you are a patient with a family history of breast cancer it’s even more important to receive regular mammograms, as directed by your physician for preventative measures.