Do I Really Need a Plastic Surgery Consultation?

With so much information about different plastic surgeons readily available, it can be tempting to feel the need to skip attending an in-person plastic surgery consultation. However, while you may think you know everything you need to know about your chosen physician, your surgeon knows nothing about you. Because of this disparity, I believe that having a plastic surgery consultation is essential for a successful procedure.

Meeting with your surgeon in-person prior to surgery is beneficial because it allows your surgeon to learn more about you and what your desired results and expectations for your procedure are. Additionally, meeting in-person gives you a chance to see how comfortable you are with your surgeon’s approach. It is also much easier to discuss your medical history and develop a plan for your surgery, such as a Band Aid facelift, with your needs in mind.

Check out the video below to learn more about why I recommend in-person plastic surgery consultations to all my patients.

It is extremely important to me that my patients feel satisfied and happy with their results. Learning more about my patients during in-person consultations allows me to customize the perfect plan to match their specific needs. If you’re interested in booking a consultation at my Atlanta office, contact me, Dr. John L. LeRoy today. In addition, make sure to follow me on Facebook, Twitter and YouTube for more information about plastic and cosmetic surgery.